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ted conover - newjack: guarding sing sing.

immersion reporter gets trained as corrections officer and goes to work in the sing sing for a year, then writes a nonfiction journalistic book abt it. pretty vivacious readin. doin a final on it. Xyxthumbs
right now i'm reading: "modern times, ancient hours" which is written about how capitalism is eating us alive, basically. haha. very prescient for someone in my position, working two jobs and routinely clocking close to 60 working hours a week.

i'm also reading: "the economy of cities" by jane jacobs, a noted urban planning theorist.

and the food issue of the new yorker, from this past summer.
just finished...

clive james - visions before midnight / the crystal bucket / glued to the box
the man's tv criticism in the observer 1972-82

Xyxthumbs Hahaha

now reading...

john wyndham - the day of the triffids
which is a lot better than i remembered
currently reading like 5-10 pages daily from either of these books (like when i go to the bathroom) and will probably finish them in 2008:

"the arab middle east & the united states: inter-arab rivalry and superpower diplomacy" burton kaufman

"SAS survival handbook: how to survive in the wild, in any climate, on land or at sea" - john wiseman

"dear america" - karl hess

needless to say, after this i should probably break it up with something lighter, like "Barney the Purple Dinosaur's Favorite Rollercoasters" or something...

Stig of the Dump

Matt haigs reasons to be strong
today, 12th jan 2018, is a day for me of very little actual reading, and instead taking in solid projections. an image, loosely outlined, is enough. I cannot read very many details. and I'm all video'd out in this nature. not much of tv or screens for me. rest those eyes. lots of thoughts, but more spoken word. maybe I should make some music in this nature. but best of all reading is the cure for ultramundane excess.
I read that my wages for being a piece of disabled dole scum went in this morning.
"shut up ross!"
Ursula Le Guin - The Dispossessed

one of my favourite books ever

Thomas Hobbes - "Leviathan"

It's a bit strange but the older I get, the more pessimsitic my view of people gets. While in my teens and twens I thought people were generally good. Nowadays in my 30s I am much more going along the lines of Hobbes. Neutral
Philip K. Dick - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Neil Gaiman - The Sandman: Overture
H.P. Lovecraft - Call of Cthulhu
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