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Full Version: Ableton controller - Launch pad
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Looks like a monome costs a lot less... released in nov USD 199 (MAP)/149 EU

nice alternative to buying the apc 40 and will be a killer when combined with Max for live...

Doesn't really show what everything is doing in that video. Could be a lot of fun!
Looks deadly!
Damn, this is what i'm looking for! I was hoping that there was a launchpad version of the apc40. And here it is Smile
that looks awesome! so glad i didnt buy an apc

plus it has a full midi spec with instructions telling you exactly how to control it yourself with midi in ridiculous detail if you want to do some custom stuff with it so you could totally use it like a monome! Falcon
there is something very wrong about this video
Hahaha when he starts breaking out the dub horn Hahaha
[Image: mayo20.jpg]
[Image: bushapcbetter.jpg]

[Image: keyboardcatapc3.jpg]