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Full Version: how sweet is mozilla firefox
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thats all for now chumpies.......
it's great
pretty good. i like the firebug plugin for hunting pesky javascript bugs Grin


its awesome apart from my download manager isnt working from all the porn i have been downloading i suspect.

uninstalling (clean and dirty) wont resolve the issue.
its wierd on a mac, no right click Neutral


safetyboy Wrote:its wierd on a mac, no right click Neutral

no me burd bought one in japan, so been using that for the last week, i bought myself another 2G of Ram foe me new PC though \o/
Right click on a mac is command click or shift click... I really should know which though. Hahaha
its neither its control click Hahaha
socialengineer Wrote:pretty good. i like the firebug plugin for hunting pesky javascript bugs Grin

cool gonna give that a try tomorrow


i like it most because now apart from the windows installation itself and occasionally media player im getting more and more microsoft free Icon_yippee

fuck you gates fuck you and the horse you rode in on
the addons for firefox are actually useful........:haha:
the download plugin is great. puts the dlds in a status bar type effect at the bottom. the skins are cool. finally something thats cooler that html/css scroll bar coding


buzzby Wrote:the download plugin is great. puts the dlds in a status bar type effect at the bottom.

yeh thats cool , also clicking on links for radio stations etc how it gives you a choice of players and doesnt just load up with whatever player has bombarded your machine like with IE
Mac users, download Bonecho from Beatnik. Optimised Mac builds of Firefox. Much nicer. Great browser.
foxytunes, built in media player controls.

safetyboy Wrote:its wierd on a mac, no right click Neutral

turn the right click on in system preferences. Roll

My extensions, brought to you by Listzilla:

Generated Sat Jan 12 2008 23:47:03 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)

Enabled Extensions: ( 38 )

Adblock - Filters ads from web-pages
Autohide 1.1.5 - Tweaks for Full Screen. Eala Frya Fresena!
Better Gmail 2 0.2 - Enhances the new Gmail interface with Greasemonkey user scripts. Only compatible with the NEW Gmail interface.
British English Dictionary 1.19 -
BugMeNot 1.3 - Bypass compulsory web registration with the context menu via 1.2 - Keep, share and discover all your favorite things.
Download Statusbar - View and manage downloads from a tidy statusbar
DownThemAll! - The mass downloader for Firefox.
dragdropupload 1.5.23 - This extension helps you to upload files
Enhanced History Manager - Flexible History Management
ErrorZilla 0.2 - Implements useful error pages.
Fasterfox 2.0.0 - Performance and network tweaks for Firefox.
FaviconizeTab - The width of the specified tab becomes small up to the size of favicon.
Flashblock 1.5.5 - Replaces Flash objects with a button you can click to view them.
Fuzzy Time 1.12 - Displays the time in a fuzzy way
Greasemonkey 0.7.20070607.0 - A User Script Manager for Firefox
IE View 1.3.5 - Open pages in IE via Firefox menus
Image Zoom 0.3 - Adds zoom functionality for images
Java Console 6.0.03 -
Java Console 6.0.02 -
Java Console 6.0.01 -
Linkification 1.3.3 - Converts text links into genuine, clickable links.
ListZilla 0.8 - Outputs an alphabetical list of extensions to a text, vB code, or HTML file.
Menu Editor - Customize application menus
Modern Pinball 1.5.1 - Designed to please the eye without being distracting, and to be usable without wasting screen real estate.
OpenBook - Allows for customization of the Add Bookmark dialog
OperaView 0.6 - Open pages in Opera from Firefox, Mozilla, Flock and Netscape 8 context menus.
Organize Status Bar 0.5.2 - Organise your status bar icons.
Paste and Go 2 0.8 - Paste Text and Load/Search It Immediately
Remember The Milk for Gmail 1.0 - Task management goodness.
SearchWith 0.4.1 - Search selected text with various search services
Super Mario Bros 3 2.3 - Rediscover the NES
Tab Mix Plus - Tab browsing with an added boost.
Talkback - Sends information about program crashes to Mozilla.
Tiny Menu 1.4.4 - Replace the standard menu bar with a tiny menu popup.
UnPlug 1.6.06 - UnPlug your Plug-ins, free your Media
Update Notifier - Notifies you when updates are available for your extensions and themes.
VideoDownloader 1.1.1 - Download videos from Youtube, Google, Metacafe, iFilm, Dailymotion... and other 60+ video sites ! And all embedded objects on a webpage (movies, mp3s, flash, quicktime, etc).

Stacks Wrote:
safetyboy Wrote:its wierd on a mac, no right click Neutral

turn the right click on in system preferences. Roll


There's no right mouse button on the laptop Roll
google searches aren't links
if anyone using ubuntu (like i do)

heres: Swiftweasel - an optimized build of the Mozilla Firefox web browser for Linux. With builds for both AMD and Intel processors. Swiftweasel is 100% compatible with all Firefox themes, plugins, and extensions.
if your super into your free software (free as in speech, not beer) then there is always IceCat (formerly known as IceWeasel)

i've been rockin' opera for a little while now......anyone still using that?
socialengineer Wrote:if your super into your free software (free as in speech, not beer) then there is always IceCat (formerly known as IceWeasel)


tnx Wink
the new 3.0 beta 3 Lovesmilie

looks lovely on my mac and on linux

just type something into the address bar, and it searches your whole history/bookmarks etc for that text in the page titles, rather than trying to guess the address Falcon or just press enter and it will either go straight to the first google search result, or give you a google search results if its not sure which is best Falcon Falcon

i've been putting my bookmarks in and then putting the rss feeds of the tags in the bookmark toolbar :geek:
im using firefox 3 beta 3.

its pretty rad.
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