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Full Version: SV: Writing on the power of altruism; for some, the power of now and one.
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I was feeling a few different ways in the last few months about more than just music. It was a lifestyle thing. Altering lifestyle for the better, not just eating a healthier diet.

For some, or lots of subverts, depending on their viewpoint (reader, poster, critic, editor, et al), altruism, the "power of now", "power of one", basically another way of saying transcendence too, became part of all this hypothetical stodge, a stew of hefty energy. 

Altruism, to me, is truancy of a belief system, or many belief systems. A "because obviously" kind of thought soon follows. But it's so essential to doing basic tasks, being, basically any bloody form of living.

In this thread we aim to collect all the balls about altruistic principles, from Brian Enosification, to mood music effects and techniques, just because I'm too lazy to work my fat Cartman ass into writing a prequel book about life and death parchment.

So feel free to join in. No pressure though, having me waffle on in a self-propelled space. Hey, you might even have an idea for your own book project from this. Mine was simply going to be called Book 3 of the Freeze Dry series: "Altruism Failure".

Hugs and sneezes
PS: Subvert had a 500 Internal Server error when I posted this; the maintenance of the site is still ongoing, long may it continue; not everyone is an admon here.