today, I...

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Watched Liverpool v Fulham up to 1/2 time.
Installed Alexa .apk on my Android phone.

...added approx 15 new releases to my Bandcamp Wishlist
...did a little bit of work
and then went to the pub
and then came home and watched telly

living life to the full as Homer said

today it is raining kind of hard, but here in California we are ecstatic about it...scrubbed the smoke from the air! -got some bike rides in before the storm hit, and some wonky tunes could be worse going to try to be more positive

Ate salmon pulses chickpeas lentils, chilies, beans. 

Listened to Alexa radio. 70s 90s + Perfume Genius, campfire sleep sounds. 

Made four multi patching Korg Triton exercises. 

Saw our pets.

It's 1728pm. I feel normal. I've got a appt 3rd Dec 845am at the local health centre. 

Life is good.
I edited a few playlists on the peel Wiki
Music critic for the Tally Ho
I wedmt to mi Book parti
Have a fascination with English vernacular terms such as implosion.
It's not that implosion is new found identification. Quite opposed, as it's illusory psyche wrecking stuff.

The kind of regurgitated impulses that get on your nerves more than they help.

Feel a bit queasy
In future maybe you can enjoy net with a good offline mix.
I'm listening to a two female one man collab featuring Maja J Ratkje and Carlos Giffoni. Tune in. It's the insides of my electrodes recorded onto rewritable disc. Utterly disturbing, chaotic noize.

In fact a quarter of this 100 dub IMPREC collection has been channelling the noisemaker.
How now, brown cow.
I'm feeling confused and chirpy.
Been watching Spain slideshows on mute on YouTube just now. I love exploring the images, having been there and experienced the place for a month of my life last year (201Cool. The images don't need to be lived in, because they are representative, and good enough, in their own right.

I handed in my Freeze Dry finished manuscript this morning. I'm gonna pay for three copies. I get a discount of under £15 per book, being the author of the novel and all.
...worked on an edit
the same as yesterday
and the day before
and the day before
and the day before
and the day before
and the day before

Watched a handful of the Detective Pikachu reels on YouTube. It's in this chronological order a film of just exercises. Pikachu guides the viewer through a selection of detectives stories. All the while, Pokemon including Murkrow and Aipom join in the fun.
Have been working on synth tunes an hour after the alarm. Recorded 5 so far.
Trying to remember that the romance is over - it's all about love now.

(19th January 2019, 20:05)Statto Wrote: ...worked on an edit
the same as yesterday
and the day before
and the day before
and the day before
and the day before
and the day before

Weirdness is for youths who for some reason need to rebel.
...went to see Messthetics in Nottingham


Here's what I worked on today. I got inspired by the Low Point label.

Sadly I've reached the implosion stage with the organic garden thing - the fact the weather's all so cold does not help.

Edit: about a month on, the landscape has improved.

(19th January 2019, 20:05)Statto Wrote: ...worked on an edit
the same as yesterday
and the day before
and the day before
and the day before
and the day before
and the day before

...ranted on social media about the so-called "Independent Group"

Ate cornflakes with mixed herbs.
Played techstep by Quo on Spotify.