ESB & Union Subvert Central MiX!

115 Replies, 159903 Views

Who would have ever thought a mix could spark so much banter. We will just have to agree to disagree and leave it at that. To everyone that showed support: Thank you; to all those who didn't: well, you are entitled to your opinion as we all are.
Time to put this arguement to bed. Hugs
statto Wrote:bad karma makes a nice end for two reasons:
the mournful horn sample, a sort of last post clarion call
and fanu's half-tempo drums which slow the mix down for the finish

fucking amazing track, love it to bits, i don't think anyone could disagree with that! Yes
[Image: pezholiodoa.gif]

batfink Wrote:bwabba bwabba bwabba NORK NORK NORK NORK bwabba bwabba bwabba NORK NORK bwabba NORK.
geez louise, I cannot believe how much this thread has grown. firstly, I think shooter is starting to go overboard with all this now. instead of gripping about what these guys do why not go out and start your own radio shows and show them up. I am a firm believer that actions speak louder than words. talk - action = zero

can we please let this die and let this post come back to what it was posted for. to promote the label and the releases set to be released. semantics will not push things forward.
shat the bed lately?
elitist Wrote:geez louise, I cannot believe how much this thread has grown. firstly, I think shooter is starting to go overboard with all this now. instead of gripping about what these guys do why not go out and start your own radio shows and show them up. I am a firm believer that actions speak louder than words. talk - action = zero

can we please let this die and let this post come back to what it was posted for. to promote the label and the releases set to be released. semantics will not push things forward.

shooter Wrote:I re listned to this again last night.

you have to keep in mind the non-subvert listening to this mix. They will probably say
1)the intro is a great track but probably could have been used better elsewhere. doesnt really grab you.
2)the second track is great but plays FOREVER - and its an epic 9'oclock tune in a set isnt it? I fell like this would fit better later on.

theres a bunch of specifics that i wont list here in the middle meat section of the mix - just akward programming i feel.

and the fanu track at the end is so awesome - but not as a finishing track! I just dont think ending the mix on that note works.

I would love to get copies of all of these tunes and do my own version of the mix....

leave my track alone you fiend!!

shooter Wrote:then probably create an alias to post under because the shooter name is mud already.

maybe you are someone's alias? Teef

in my mind, i can already see the SC crew nervously looking at one another now Hahaha Lol
fanu Wrote:
shooter Wrote:then probably create an alias to post under because the shooter name is mud already.

maybe you are someone's alias? Teef

actually it seems not Smile
Fecks sake. Let it rest already. Baffled The mix owns, spread the word. Grin
I only got to the middle of page 5, I had to comment. Shooter, I just think you need to check out Detuned radio, Friday nights on Jungletrain ( They aren't playing for self. They are some of the most giving DJs I have heard. I mean, ESB is on the mic like "We're gonna let this tune ride, let you get the whole feel"... in these days of "mp3s are killing the scene", shouldn't it be great to have DJs promoting the sound enough to MAKE YOU WANT TO BUY THE RELEASE!? And esb was right, the mix was for PROMOTIONAL use, so people could get the feel of the SC tunes. I bet if you challenged either esb or union to making a "journey" mix, they'd come guitars blazing! (bad joke) ... Seriously, though, these mixes, and mixes on the radio, it's hard to 'take people on the journey' if you are also playing with someone else's interest(s) in mind (e.g. doing a promotional mix for a record label)... you want to make sure these hits are properly represented. And I think this mix, and other mixes I have heard from esb and union (whether b2b or otherwise) do just that. Can't forget: different DJs have different styles. Cyanide from Armada Recordings, he is good with the whole "building up of emotions" thing in his sets -- but he also plays the biofunky style, the Noisias and the Desimals and Corrupt Souls. It's much much easier to do this with that style of dnb. With the more edit-heavy shit, I dunno, the tracks are their own journies to me. A Tune like "Play Twice Before Listening" or some of the Fanu tunes, while working good in the mix, also do well as stand alone tunes, imo. WHICH HARKENS BACK TO THE OLD 96-98 era of jungle tunes by Boymerang, Goldie, Photek, etc. These are just my rantings/opinions.

edit: Sorry for the rehashing, I just had to comment when I saw this thread.
Well I havn't been around Subvert Central long but I can see this has been a long road. Take it from some fresh ears..THESE TUNES ARE GOOD! I hope I have a chance soon to purchase some of these badboys. Props to the producers and ESB & Union for the tight mix
double m Wrote:well i havn't been around subvert central long but i can see this has been a long road. take it from some fresh ears..these tunes are good! i hope i have a chance soon to purchase some of these badboys. props to the producers and esb & union for the tight mix

Kisskiss Wave
I haven't been able to stop blaring that mix in my car for the past month! I had no clue that all the tracks on that mix were SC releases Icon_eek I'm going to have to start stuffing away some cash on the side for these. Any release dates?
[Image: thx1.jpg]
R.03 Wrote:I haven't been able to stop blaring that mix in my car for the past month! I had no clue that all the tracks on that mix were SC releases Icon_eek I'm going to have to start stuffing away some cash on the side for these. Any release dates?

3 tracks have since gone to Vibez
Boogalou and the two Fanus
Has Sileni - Another Track : SC005. been released on vinyl? Can i buy an mp3?
dionysus Wrote:Has Sileni - Another Track : SC005. been released on vinyl? Can i buy an mp3?

not yet to both questions Smile
Statto Wrote:
dionysus Wrote:Has Sileni - Another Track : SC005. been released on vinyl? Can i buy an mp3?

not yet to both questions Smile

Grin cool. I'm happy to wait. Cheers for the reply. Have a nice day.

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