this will be the combined underground links with information about each link, categorized etc for easy reference. its a bit of a job so it will take me several days, i will be working on it when i have spare time during the day nz time when the board is in its quiet time. let me know what you think as it comes along.
also, any assistance would be welcomed.
independent news media - Indymedia is a collective of independent media organizations and hundreds of journalists offering grassroots, non-corporate coverage. Indymedia is a democratic media outlet for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate tellings of truth. - independent news covering issues in depth. includes a massive archive and a contact list currently with over 800 useful grassroots organisations. - news, commentary, analysis, and reference materials about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict from a Palestinian perspective. a recommended site - CounterPunch is the bi-weekly muckraking newsletter edited by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair. Twice a month we bring our readers the stories that the corporate press never prints. - check the links page. - corporate news site dedicated to holding the big boys accountable for their actions. (editor: very good site!, excellent resource for things you would normally think beyond comprehension) - the global network for democratic media. the worlds news from an international perspective. - international news and current affairs from an independent point of view. - brings you middle eastern news and events from mainstream media sources you won't normally have the chance to read or see. the regions news rather than just the cnn version - "Common Dreams is a national non-profit citizens' organization working to bring progressive Americans together to promote progressive visions for America's future. Founded in 1997, we are committed to being on the cutting-edge of using the internet as a political organizing tool - and creating new models for internet activism" - news and events from a non corporate point of view. - "MediaLens is our response to the unwillingness, or inability, of the mainstream media to tell the truth about the real causes and extent of many of the problems facing us, such as human rights abuses, poverty, pollution and climate change." - in depth articles on the news the others are afraid to bring. incredible links. - news site dedicated to the questioning of the mainstream media worldview its publications tell truths that most are afraid to say - investigative journalism at its best...
independent online magazines, newsletters and other sites of interest - its blog! the war on iraq from the point of view of those inside the country... but not working for cnn or bbc. - newsletter chronicling the worlds brewing oil crisis. - NEXUS is an international bi-monthly alternative news magazine, covering the fields of - Health Alternatives; Suppressed Science; Earth's Ancient Past; UFOs & the Unexplained; and Government Cover-Ups. - the website for the american centre for responsive politics - a fantastic magazine focusing on party neutral political accountability. - SQUALL Magazine Online is a forum for radical quality journalism and photography. It presents accessible and factually reliable investigations into issues which the mainstream media dare not touch. SQUALL is independent of any political group or commercial proprietorship. - the campaign against sanctions on iraq. you think their job is done? it looks as though the un sanctions will remain until it is clear that all weapons of mass destruction are gone. the war didn't achieve its goals. - an independent monthly of critical thinking on political, cultural, social, and economic life in the U.S. - independent views on media and advertising. a bible for anybody who is interested in design, media and advertising - THIRD WORLD TRAVELER puts up magazine articles and book excerpts that offer an alternative view to the corporate media about the state of democracy in America, and about the impact of the policies of the United States' government, transnational corporations, international trade and financial institutions, and the corporate media, on war and peace, democracy, civil liberties, free speech, human rights, and social and economic justice, in the Third World, and in the United States. - the campaign to impeach george w bush. - world population awareness digest. presenting population issues in an interesting and informative way. - the antiglobalization homepage. say no more.
ANSWER - website of international A.N.S.W.E.R. - act now to stop war and end racism. resources and news in the global battle against inequality and international abuses - reclaim the streets - A direct action network for global and local social-ecological revolution(s) to transcend hierarchical and authoritarian society, (capitalism included) - the campaign to free Mumia Abu-Jamal from death row. the campaigning has become a movement that encompasses more than just mumia's own campaign. it questions the death penalty in general, and has become a political movement campaigning against injustice worldwide. - "CrimethInc. is the black market where we trade in this precious contraband. Here, the secret worlds of shoplifters, rioters, dropouts, deserters, adulterers, vandals, daydreamers - that is to say, of all of us, in those moments when, wanting more, we indulge in little revolts" - a very interesting site dedicated to real anarchy, not the anarchy that your local punks claim to live. - They Rule is a website that allows you to create maps of the interlocking directories of the top 100 companies in the US in 2001. The data is static, so it is fast becoming out of date, as companies merge and disappear and directors shift boards. - almost fun if it wasn't real. - the campaign to shut down the school of the americas - an international military and counter insurgency school at fort benning in the united states. the school has trained thousands of south americans in techniques for disrupting the drugs trade and also in counter guerrilla warfare. many of its students have been accused of crimes against humanity. - "Crikey will point out theft, corruption, deception and collusion whenever and wherever it can. It is our self-appointed task to take a long thin spike to the bloated egos of political, media and corporate Australia and to take clear black and white snap shots of the men and women who have their fingers in the till or who simply get paid too much for doing shoddy work. We will at all times try to have fun, respect the laws of our country in as far as they make sense and to fill the gaps the Australian media seem unable or unwilling to fulfil." - a slightly funny but very good site. - "The November Coalition is a non-profit, grassroots organization who are educating the public about the destructive increase in prison population in the United States due to our current drug laws."
message boards and forums
previous links (bwarandpolitics and defunct
movies/literature and entertainment - review of ANTI-TERRORISM'S LENGTHY HISTORY AND CURRENT ABUSES:
A Review of Terrorism and the Constitution By ELAINE CASSEL from findlaws books online site. the site itself is a great resource, and the book is a must read. - regular cartoon lampooning world politics, particularly the war on terror/iraq. - A co-production of the Seattle Independent Media Center and Big Noise Films, THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE is a 70 minute documentary capturing the events of the 1999 anti-WTO protests in Seattle. - unofficial homepage of mark thomas, british superstar anti hero. site includes forum, news and chatroom, as well as all sorts of goodies - cd's dvdâs clothing and video... - the movie of the same name - the site for the independent thinker/moviemaker/writer/general troublemaker - the man michael moore would like to be - film maker and writer john pilger deals with world issues the way michael moore deals with american issues. his documentaries on the middle east peace process are hard core - and uncompromising. must watch.
general essays and information - a series of essays on everything from the nature of chemical elements to football. both bizarre and enthralling. - a history of Secret Human Testing on soldiers, prisoners and civilians in the US - Section of Above Site Awesome Tables and Lists of USA Actions Since 1945 - includes coups that the cia have been implemental in, all out war, and economic actions.
alternative media links/resource sites - independent news media resource site. "giving the world a voice through media technology" - resource site for many viewpoints on political issues.
know your enemy - mainstream sites that are handy tools - the worlds most accurate military technology site. includes Civil Defence, Security and Law Enforcement Products and Services, Defence Industry Exhibitions, Conferences and Events, International coverage of Main Battle Tanks, Armoured Fighting Vehicles, Artillery Systems, Missile Systems, Attack and Support Helicopters. worth reading is the projects section - covering all major current military hardware (you want to know about the patriot missile or the latest south african tank here they are). also the a to z company index - you want to know who does what and where to find them here it is (web and land links to several hundred arms manufacturers). - parameters magazine - US Army War College Quarterly. covers world defense issues, sometimes not always from the point of view you would expect. if you want to understand the reasoning behind current the current american worldview, this is the site to read. the arguments put forward are well educated, well written, and actually take many perspectives into account (unlike their government). look long and thoroughly through the articles.
of particular interest...
"The Concept and Practice of Jihad in Islam," by Michael G. Knapp
"Al Qaeda and the Internet: The Danger of 'Cyberplanning,'" by Timothy L. Thomas
Queer and genderqueer politics
Stonewall – UK gay rights, etc pressure group
OutRage – UK gay rights, etc (more radical) pressure group
Queertheory – academic queer resource site
Press For Change – UK trans(sexual) rights pressure group
FTM International – FTM transgender/transsexual resource site
WayOut – Vicky Lee's glamorous "inbetweenie" (MTF cross-dressing) resource site
The Northern Concord – Manchester MTF trans support group
Transgender Warrior – home site for radical FTM politico, Leslie Feinberg
GenderTalk – transgressive gender radio
Gender Aptitude Test – Kate Bornstein's semi-serious multiple choice test
Lesbian Sex Mafia – lesbian SM, etc support group
Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence – initially US (SF), now international queer activist group
Cleis Press – radical US lesbian, etc publishers
Gay's The Word – UK's largest gay bookshop
Bound Pleasure – online fetish, etc bookshop
mental note to cform:
to be continued. (marker so i don't get lost: - in dj sinister's post )

independent news media - Indymedia is a collective of independent media organizations and hundreds of journalists offering grassroots, non-corporate coverage. Indymedia is a democratic media outlet for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate tellings of truth. - independent news covering issues in depth. includes a massive archive and a contact list currently with over 800 useful grassroots organisations. - news, commentary, analysis, and reference materials about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict from a Palestinian perspective. a recommended site - CounterPunch is the bi-weekly muckraking newsletter edited by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair. Twice a month we bring our readers the stories that the corporate press never prints. - check the links page. - corporate news site dedicated to holding the big boys accountable for their actions. (editor: very good site!, excellent resource for things you would normally think beyond comprehension) - the global network for democratic media. the worlds news from an international perspective. - international news and current affairs from an independent point of view. - brings you middle eastern news and events from mainstream media sources you won't normally have the chance to read or see. the regions news rather than just the cnn version - "Common Dreams is a national non-profit citizens' organization working to bring progressive Americans together to promote progressive visions for America's future. Founded in 1997, we are committed to being on the cutting-edge of using the internet as a political organizing tool - and creating new models for internet activism" - news and events from a non corporate point of view. - "MediaLens is our response to the unwillingness, or inability, of the mainstream media to tell the truth about the real causes and extent of many of the problems facing us, such as human rights abuses, poverty, pollution and climate change." - in depth articles on the news the others are afraid to bring. incredible links. - news site dedicated to the questioning of the mainstream media worldview its publications tell truths that most are afraid to say - investigative journalism at its best...
independent online magazines, newsletters and other sites of interest - its blog! the war on iraq from the point of view of those inside the country... but not working for cnn or bbc. - newsletter chronicling the worlds brewing oil crisis. - NEXUS is an international bi-monthly alternative news magazine, covering the fields of - Health Alternatives; Suppressed Science; Earth's Ancient Past; UFOs & the Unexplained; and Government Cover-Ups. - the website for the american centre for responsive politics - a fantastic magazine focusing on party neutral political accountability. - SQUALL Magazine Online is a forum for radical quality journalism and photography. It presents accessible and factually reliable investigations into issues which the mainstream media dare not touch. SQUALL is independent of any political group or commercial proprietorship. - the campaign against sanctions on iraq. you think their job is done? it looks as though the un sanctions will remain until it is clear that all weapons of mass destruction are gone. the war didn't achieve its goals. - an independent monthly of critical thinking on political, cultural, social, and economic life in the U.S. - independent views on media and advertising. a bible for anybody who is interested in design, media and advertising - THIRD WORLD TRAVELER puts up magazine articles and book excerpts that offer an alternative view to the corporate media about the state of democracy in America, and about the impact of the policies of the United States' government, transnational corporations, international trade and financial institutions, and the corporate media, on war and peace, democracy, civil liberties, free speech, human rights, and social and economic justice, in the Third World, and in the United States. - the campaign to impeach george w bush. - world population awareness digest. presenting population issues in an interesting and informative way. - the antiglobalization homepage. say no more.
ANSWER - website of international A.N.S.W.E.R. - act now to stop war and end racism. resources and news in the global battle against inequality and international abuses - reclaim the streets - A direct action network for global and local social-ecological revolution(s) to transcend hierarchical and authoritarian society, (capitalism included) - the campaign to free Mumia Abu-Jamal from death row. the campaigning has become a movement that encompasses more than just mumia's own campaign. it questions the death penalty in general, and has become a political movement campaigning against injustice worldwide. - "CrimethInc. is the black market where we trade in this precious contraband. Here, the secret worlds of shoplifters, rioters, dropouts, deserters, adulterers, vandals, daydreamers - that is to say, of all of us, in those moments when, wanting more, we indulge in little revolts" - a very interesting site dedicated to real anarchy, not the anarchy that your local punks claim to live. - They Rule is a website that allows you to create maps of the interlocking directories of the top 100 companies in the US in 2001. The data is static, so it is fast becoming out of date, as companies merge and disappear and directors shift boards. - almost fun if it wasn't real. - the campaign to shut down the school of the americas - an international military and counter insurgency school at fort benning in the united states. the school has trained thousands of south americans in techniques for disrupting the drugs trade and also in counter guerrilla warfare. many of its students have been accused of crimes against humanity. - "Crikey will point out theft, corruption, deception and collusion whenever and wherever it can. It is our self-appointed task to take a long thin spike to the bloated egos of political, media and corporate Australia and to take clear black and white snap shots of the men and women who have their fingers in the till or who simply get paid too much for doing shoddy work. We will at all times try to have fun, respect the laws of our country in as far as they make sense and to fill the gaps the Australian media seem unable or unwilling to fulfil." - a slightly funny but very good site. - "The November Coalition is a non-profit, grassroots organization who are educating the public about the destructive increase in prison population in the United States due to our current drug laws."
message boards and forums
previous links (bwarandpolitics and defunct
movies/literature and entertainment - review of ANTI-TERRORISM'S LENGTHY HISTORY AND CURRENT ABUSES:
A Review of Terrorism and the Constitution By ELAINE CASSEL from findlaws books online site. the site itself is a great resource, and the book is a must read. - regular cartoon lampooning world politics, particularly the war on terror/iraq. - A co-production of the Seattle Independent Media Center and Big Noise Films, THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE is a 70 minute documentary capturing the events of the 1999 anti-WTO protests in Seattle. - unofficial homepage of mark thomas, british superstar anti hero. site includes forum, news and chatroom, as well as all sorts of goodies - cd's dvdâs clothing and video... - the movie of the same name - the site for the independent thinker/moviemaker/writer/general troublemaker - the man michael moore would like to be - film maker and writer john pilger deals with world issues the way michael moore deals with american issues. his documentaries on the middle east peace process are hard core - and uncompromising. must watch.
general essays and information - a series of essays on everything from the nature of chemical elements to football. both bizarre and enthralling. - a history of Secret Human Testing on soldiers, prisoners and civilians in the US - Section of Above Site Awesome Tables and Lists of USA Actions Since 1945 - includes coups that the cia have been implemental in, all out war, and economic actions.
alternative media links/resource sites - independent news media resource site. "giving the world a voice through media technology" - resource site for many viewpoints on political issues.
know your enemy - mainstream sites that are handy tools - the worlds most accurate military technology site. includes Civil Defence, Security and Law Enforcement Products and Services, Defence Industry Exhibitions, Conferences and Events, International coverage of Main Battle Tanks, Armoured Fighting Vehicles, Artillery Systems, Missile Systems, Attack and Support Helicopters. worth reading is the projects section - covering all major current military hardware (you want to know about the patriot missile or the latest south african tank here they are). also the a to z company index - you want to know who does what and where to find them here it is (web and land links to several hundred arms manufacturers). - parameters magazine - US Army War College Quarterly. covers world defense issues, sometimes not always from the point of view you would expect. if you want to understand the reasoning behind current the current american worldview, this is the site to read. the arguments put forward are well educated, well written, and actually take many perspectives into account (unlike their government). look long and thoroughly through the articles.
of particular interest...
"The Concept and Practice of Jihad in Islam," by Michael G. Knapp
"Al Qaeda and the Internet: The Danger of 'Cyberplanning,'" by Timothy L. Thomas
Queer and genderqueer politics
Stonewall – UK gay rights, etc pressure group
OutRage – UK gay rights, etc (more radical) pressure group
Queertheory – academic queer resource site
Press For Change – UK trans(sexual) rights pressure group
FTM International – FTM transgender/transsexual resource site
WayOut – Vicky Lee's glamorous "inbetweenie" (MTF cross-dressing) resource site
The Northern Concord – Manchester MTF trans support group
Transgender Warrior – home site for radical FTM politico, Leslie Feinberg
GenderTalk – transgressive gender radio
Gender Aptitude Test – Kate Bornstein's semi-serious multiple choice test
Lesbian Sex Mafia – lesbian SM, etc support group
Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence – initially US (SF), now international queer activist group
Cleis Press – radical US lesbian, etc publishers
Gay's The Word – UK's largest gay bookshop
Bound Pleasure – online fetish, etc bookshop
mental note to cform:
to be continued. (marker so i don't get lost: - in dj sinister's post )