
13 Replies, 7520 Views

There seems to be enuff rockin tunes around from hearing peoples sets - and the weird thing is that people experiment so much with the sound that I think they probably forget about the arrangement... Personally, I've learnt so much and am still learning about arrangements - but in jungle, its crap! It has to be admitted - its just intro - drop - rollout - drop ... there's some mad tunes I've heard by people like Juan Atkins and there's no drop, things are done subtely and its so devastating like that - I just think sometimes some producers out there especially the copy cats are just crap at arrangements. It's like I'm sure most of you have heard the wormhole lp from Virus - now some of the tracks are good - but they practically have the same arrangement but different sounds... I think sometimes the music can sound too perfect - but thats just imho, I just prefer it to be dirty cos at the end of the day I think music is like subconscious reflection of how people feel and nothing is ever perfect is it?


listen to more sb tunes Xyxthumbs
yeah I know man, need to get my wages so I can purchase some fingz - its amazing what I've been missing out on the past year or so...


i say just use your instincts when it comes to throwing the arrangement up on the grid, i have four minute songs and nine minute songs, it just depends on the song... if it sounds like it moves thru too fast or slow, just shorten or lengthen it wherever...i'm not really into perfection either, am annoyed at this aspect of dnb sometimes
SETI Wrote:...i'm not really into perfection either, am annoyed at this aspect of dnb sometimes

it feels so good to hear someone say that! yay

do you know what i miss? when a song suddenly turns around and is almost a totally different song!

........and i don't mean 'the second drop' kind of biz, it just kinda turns into something else and maybe stays that way until the end, or a slight reprise, but it's not the same....trying to think of the last tune that i heard that was like that.......long time ago already
SETI Wrote:do you know what i miss? when a song suddenly turns around and is almost a totally different song!

........and i don't mean 'the second drop' kind of biz, it just kinda turns into something else and maybe stays that way until the end, or a slight reprise, but it's not the same....trying to think of the last tune that i heard that was like that.......long time ago already

dillinja used to do that very well in fact.
i do this, then i play the track to my dj friends and they say 'oh no its far to complicated and musical'!

this is one of the reasons i stopped making dj fodder, sorry guys but imho FEKKING DJ'S are one of the reasons dance music has mostly dissolved into bland and predictable pop

i know if its not mixable then it wont get played or if its to changey changey the pill kids will get freaked but comeon THIS IS ART???!??!?

i know im gonna get flamed but im not a vinyl junkie so fuck you all Smile
Bobule Xyxthumbs
agreed bobule, where i'm at, there aren't any more pill kids (or we just don't let them in the bar Hahaha ) things can get just as arty and/or goofy and if we're all buzzin' on some strong drink and/or draw it fits like a glove... wouldn't call it ravin' people dance but we're more into the jazz approach wherever we play

...making a step away from pill culture might be a good thing especially for increasing people's attention spans- go ahead make more "unmixable" music and foist it upon people...
seti Wrote:do you know what i miss? when a song suddenly turns around and is almost a totally different song!


there's this alpha omega tune (have to look up the name when i get home) that starts as a pretty straight noisy stepper, but after the breakdown it becomes ill and dubby with lots of intricate beat edits. that move from fast and energetic to deep is quite unusual.
...something like that... i made a tune not long ago that falls somewhere between breaks and house, with this kinda broken stepping beat... about 3:30 into the tune, and without a breakdown or anything, i bring in these chords, and a new bassline, and it just keeps going like that until it breaks down five minutes later with a half reprise... i dropped it at the end of my mix cd...

i'm gonna make more tunes like that, sound like two records being mixed into each other...just to mess up the pattern, really, i've been bored of the typical breakdown patterns and breakdowns in general for a while...
definitely some dj's are to blame - the bad ones! for me if a tune is good I'll play it - whether I can mix it or not.

what I love with some techno records is how some seem like they dont have a beginning or an end - and they have some brilliant arrangements and also they are not scared to make short tracks. Ideally I'd like to make jungle tracks 3 to 4 minutes long - but then a typical dj isn't gonna play that cos they are crap at mixing and can't get the next record cued up by the time it finishes or something. I find it funny how people always assume techno is about the weird sounds etc... and forget about the arrangement etc...

i've never done pills, but I would've thawt that if I was on a pill (a good one!) and I heard some madazfuck record I'd love it! I thawt pills make you like things more - so really the music should be more interesting you would've thawt!

ah dont bother with pills def. not all that

one of my fav own tunes is only 4:20 long (whatta number Tea)

...i'm down with the more techno type format where you just have d
2 deal with the tunes being that length (crap djs need not apply Xyxthumbs }

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