SC label collective

23 Replies, 34159 Views

bridin allen, christopher brentano, rob brierley, jurgen de clercq, nik fowler, felix hoeck, matt jackson, michal koleczko, dan lajoie, paul land, robert macciochi, john machielsen, hugh mcintyre, matt norman, conor o'dwyer, conor o'riordan, shane o'shea, james parker, anand patel, carsten pötter, leo prince, matthew rond, toon severijns, chris smith, andrew swift, jonathan tait, ben thomson, jim van loo, nick von frankenberg, ben williams

Lisa Wave Wave Rainbow

that's everyone who has contributed funds to the label so far

cp_ffm Wrote:Neutral

why that face? Smile
because i didn't want to use that one: Icon_sad
cp_ffm Wrote:because i didn't want to use that one: Icon_sad

why that face then? Smile
because i'm a grumpy old bastard. day had been shit at work and i came home seeing that exactly 25 people contributed to the label which made me even more grumpy.
then thinking about everything concerning sc (label, street team,...)... wtf! two years and nothing achieved. a bunch of big mouths who wanted to do this and that and... nothing.
big up to you and scope for keeping things going here. Xyxthumbs
but i'm really sick of this all. it makes me angry and i think i need a break. from sc, from d&b,...
wohoo. Achievement through collectivism Icon_yippee
beats are there to be broken
cp_ffm Wrote:because i'm a grumpy old bastard. day had been shit at work and i came home seeing that exactly 25 people contributed to the label which made me even more grumpy.
then thinking about everything concerning sc (label, street team,...)... wtf! two years and nothing achieved. a bunch of big mouths who wanted to do this and that and... nothing.
big up to you and scope for keeping things going here. Xyxthumbs
but i'm really sick of this all. it makes me angry and i think i need a break. from sc, from d&b,...


was ages ago though - its not like new people have been aware of the need to contribute recently?
cp_ffm Wrote:because i'm a grumpy old bastard. day had been shit at work and i came home seeing that exactly 25 people contributed to the label which made me even more grumpy.
then thinking about everything concerning sc (label, street team,...)... wtf! two years and nothing achieved. a bunch of big mouths who wanted to do this and that and... nothing.
big up to you and scope for keeping things going here. Xyxthumbs
but i'm really sick of this all. it makes me angry and i think i need a break. from sc, from d&b,...


i know it's been slow, but things are happening now a bit... sc releases pending, other labels up and running, various club nights established, artists getting signed here and there... ok, the street team pretty much died when streetbeats fell apart, but there was plenty of useful work done which is still in the st forums

stick around... or if you have a rest, come back again

Street Team doesnt have to die.

If anything, Ill have to take responsibility for that one.
It wasnt synchronous with SB falling apart - the real reason was me deciding I needed to start writing music again, and something in my scedule had to give.

I never intended this to fall off so much - Id kind of hoped it had enough momentum to keep carrying itself forwards.

i'll chip in a bit of blame/guilt on my own account as well there tho Scope....I have just generally underestimated how much work running my own label, finishing my studies AND having a job is.

I would very much like to think the Street Team can still be reincarnated and rejuvenated, if there is a goal to work towards!

As to the 25 ppl who have donated money: from when was that Statto? Is that the donation more than over a year ago? to chip in money to get the SC label running?
john doe Wrote:As to the 25 ppl who have donated money: from when was that Statto? Is that the donation more than over a year ago? to chip in money to get the SC label running?

yes Smile
damn, long time ago!
i thought more ppl had chipped in at the time man...ofcourse originally SB was goign to pay for some as well right?

i think after all delays you are still doing very very well
^^ Agreed, and there's a few (!) quid here for you Statto if you want it.

@cp-ffm, this isn't dnb specific - it's people.
[Image: protabl3.gif]
Don Cherry Wrote:Every human is blessed in her or his life with one love (passion), no matter how long it may last. This Absolute love will last in one's heart and soul forever.
statto Wrote:bridin allen, rob brierley, jurgen de clercq, nik fowler, felix hoeck, matt jackson, michal koleczko, dan lajoie, paul land, john machielsen, hugh mcintyre, matt norman, conor o'dwyer, conor o'riordan, shane o'shea, james parker, anand patel, carsten pötter, matthew rond, toon severijns, chris smith, andrew swift, jonathan tait, ben thomson, nick von frankenberg

Lisa Wave Wave Rainbow

+ feelfonk (when he replies to my pm Grumble)

heehee. i chipped in a fair proportion of my dole money (was unemployed at the time) towards sc, so you can thank the jobcentre as well.
beats are there to be broken
Macc Wrote:^^ Agreed, and there's a few (!) quid here for you Statto if you want it.

of course Kisskiss
how best?

as before, wrapped around a juicy cd?

dunno what i have that you ain't got Chin
[Image: protabl3.gif]
Don Cherry Wrote:Every human is blessed in her or his life with one love (passion), no matter how long it may last. This Absolute love will last in one's heart and soul forever.
macc Wrote:how best?

as before, wrapped around a juicy cd?

ok so Xyxthumbs

macc Wrote:dunno what i have that you ain't got Chin

find me some nice jazz :d
So these donations are different than the general SC server fund ?
double m Wrote:so these donations are different than the general sc server fund ?


see this thread...

statto Wrote:find me some nice jazz :d

ah, but nice jazz you haven't got is a tricky one Chin
[Image: protabl3.gif]
Don Cherry Wrote:Every human is blessed in her or his life with one love (passion), no matter how long it may last. This Absolute love will last in one's heart and soul forever.
updated Smile

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