So subverts what have you been reading recently?

924 Replies, 690623 Views

Bass Culture - Lloyd Bradley, nice book about the hostory of reggae + jamaica.
The Timewasters Letters - Robin Cooper, fsckin halarious book filled with pointless letter to people.
Droid Maker (George Lucas and the Digital Revolution) - Micheal Rubin, proper geeky book about the HUGE influence george lucas' company has had over the computer graphics + sound industries. If you like that sort of thing i highly recomend getting an american import!

and i finished the John Peel biography a little while ago too, very interesting!
Chris Inperspective Wrote:
good morning captain Wrote:
Chris Inperspective Wrote:Excession - I M Banks

really really liked this when i read it!
love the sections with the shipc talking to each otjher.... hard going but fun!!!

probably my favourite sci-fi book of all time.

[Image: banner2_590.jpg]
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Bass Culture - Lloyd Bradley, nice book about the hostory of reggae + jamaica.
The Timewasters Letters - Robin Cooper, fsckin halarious book filled with pointless letter to people.
Droid Maker (George Lucas and the Digital Revolution) - Micheal Rubin, proper geeky book about the HUGE influence george lucas' company has had over the computer graphics + sound industries. If you like that sort of thing i highly recomend getting an american import!

and i finished the John Peel biography a little while ago too, very interesting!
Stacks Wrote:probably my favourite sci-fi book of all time.


ooh i dunno "Consider Phlebass" is pretty gpood too mate....

Loving excession though..... just getting to the bit with that young culture girl being carted off on a SC mission

Hahaha the Irony....
Bass Culture - Lloyd Bradley, nice book about the hostory of reggae + jamaica.
The Timewasters Letters - Robin Cooper, fsckin halarious book filled with pointless letter to people.
Droid Maker (George Lucas and the Digital Revolution) - Micheal Rubin, proper geeky book about the HUGE influence george lucas' company has had over the computer graphics + sound industries. If you like that sort of thing i highly recomend getting an american import!

and i finished the John Peel biography a little while ago too, very interesting!
Been really rubbish at reading recently, but this is what I've got two books on the go at the mo, Hegemony or Survival by Noam Chomsky and Stuart : A Life Backwards by Alexander Masters.

The latter the much easier bedtime reading, and gives you a real insight into homeless people and why they become homeless in the first place. I had to stop reading the former for a bit as it was making me angry Lol
[Image: pezholiodoa.gif]

batfink Wrote:bwabba bwabba bwabba NORK NORK NORK NORK bwabba bwabba bwabba NORK NORK bwabba NORK.
Chris Inperspective Wrote:ooh i dunno "Consider Phlebass" is pretty gpood too mate....

this is the book i read when i run out of other stuff to read must have read it at least 6 or 7 times Icon_eek i'm about half way thru readin it again Teef just got past the part where horza escapes from the eaters!
"knowing is not enough, we must apply.
willing is not enough, we must do."
Bruce Lee
holy cow! just noticed i seem to have posted my post about a million times!
sorry, it kept coming up with and error so i presumed it hadnt posted :s
statto Wrote:currently...
peter dickinson - the kin


did you ever read 'perdido street station' by meiville?

[Image: perdido-street-station_01.jpg]

^^^ an absolute must for the sci-fi massive!
recently finished: tommy wieringa - joe speedboot Xyxthumbs

now starting in: david toop - haunted weather
michael moorcock's complete elric saga
moorcock indeed isn't a very 'good' writer, but still i rather like his style and what he's trying to achieve

akseli gallen-kallela's biography

sandman anthology by neil gaiman
best comic i've read in a long time Xyxthumbs
dodz Wrote:
statto Wrote:currently...
peter dickinson - the kin


did you ever read 'perdido street station' by meiville?

[Image: perdido-street-station_01.jpg]

^^^ an absolute must for the sci-fi massive!


and i don't even like sci fi that much! Smile
[Image: pezholiodoa.gif]

batfink Wrote:bwabba bwabba bwabba NORK NORK NORK NORK bwabba bwabba bwabba NORK NORK bwabba NORK.
has anybody read Arundhati Roy's God of Small Things?

was thinkin of pickin that up after hearin an hourlong interview on Democracy Now..
chris inperspective Wrote:ooh i dunno "consider phlebass" is pretty gpood too mate....

loving excession though..... just getting to the bit with that young culture girl being carted off on a sc mission

Hahaha the irony....

it's all about the player of games Yes
dodz Wrote:did you ever read 'perdido street station' by meiville?

[Image: perdido-street-station_01.jpg]

^^^ an absolute must for the sci-fi massive!


H.P. Lovecraft whilst listening to good Peni.... Icon_eek

here's an interesting site for those unfamiliar...fucking amazing writer...really... Icon_eek
word is bon jovi. [] unst soundcloudzen [] zein fazbooken [] unst beefy! beefy! []
nexus8 Wrote:H.P. Lovecraft whilst listening to good Peni.... Icon_eek

here's an interesting site for those unfamiliar...fucking amazing writer...really... Icon_eek

y3s y3s! I got a little compilation of some of his stories, i read one or two about every 6 months or so.
...i think i acctually wrote a tune a few years ago called Crawling Chaos :s

archive of some of lovecraft's work if people wanna check it out Grin is possibly my favorite story
a short history of nearly everything.

finihsed The Witches of Chiswick by Robert Rankin a few weeks back too.
Akai MPC 2000XL owners manual Grin
sound card manual
cubase manual....
various redbook clips
the covers of rolling stone, details, etc...
you thought your job sucked.
in the last few months
-donnie brasco by joseph pistone
-The FBI by ronald kessler
-The Agency - rise and decline of the CIA by john ranelagh
-Wiseguy by Nicholas Pileggi
-Murder in Mephis ( Martin Luther King JR ) by mark lane and dick gregory

and on deck
-The Official Reports of the Independant Panel and the Pentagon into Abu Ghraib - edited by Steven Strasser
-The WMD Mirage - Official investigation of Intelligence failure
-The Last Gangster - ????? (sitting at work)
Currently reading"

"Footprints of Gautama the Buddha" - Marie Beuzeville Byles

"House of Leaves" - Mark Danielewski - Only started this last night and im looking forward to getting into it after hearing lots of great reviews.

Recently finished:

"Saddhartha" - Hermann Hesse - Classic tale, one of the best books i've ever read. Sparked my interest in Buddhism, hence me currently reading Footprints of Gautama...

"Perdido Street Station" - China Mieville - Awesome mixture of fantasy and sci-fi.

"Vurt" - Jeff Noon - Twisted cyberpunk sci-fi
sausmatoe Wrote:"House of Leaves" - Mark Danielewski - Only started this last night and im looking forward to getting into it after hearing lots of great reviews.

as i said in my first post this book is an essential read i have never read anything quite like it! there is a whole forum dedicated to it:

however i'd advise you to read the book first b4 lookin at the forum but it does add a diffrent perspective.
"knowing is not enough, we must apply.
willing is not enough, we must do."
Bruce Lee
trope Wrote:has anybody read Arundhati Roy's God of Small Things?

was thinkin of pickin that up after hearin an hourlong interview on Democracy Now..

Yes. its quite good, biographical family drama. her political writings are good to.

I like Bainks as much as the best guy, but still not sure if he ranks up there with Bradbury, K Dick, Ballard, Gibson et al...
right now: Douglas Adams - The Salmon of Doubt

hillarious adams stuff in that book, stephen fry has done a good work!

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