The Subvert Central Label needs your help.
Starved of funds and resources, unless people can help then releases will inevitably be delayed for long periods of time (until a time that the few people involved can raise funds on their own).
Remember, the SC Label is entirely non profit.
Small quantities of vinyl are pressed, and a price for the vinyl is calculated such that when all copies are sold, break even point is reached.
This means VERY cheap vinyl for you!!
But its not sustainable without people helping out.
How can you help out?
1) Donate
From now on all donations to SC will go directly toward the label costs.
You can donate via the link below. Please dig deep and show your support!!
2) Buy the records
SC Volume 1:
SC Volume 2:
They are a serious bargain - 3 x 12" vinyl, each triple pack only £10 plus P&P !
Packed with quality music. No excuse not to own these!
3) Help promote the records
Here is a list of announcements on many different forums.
Go and register at some of these forums and post your support for the releases in the relevant threads.
If you are a memeber of a forum not listed then start a thread in that forum, with all the relevant info, linking back to one of the sales threads here.
Tell your mates, get them to buy the records.
In short, GO SPREAD THE WORD. It doesn't take a lot of effort from you.
Starved of funds and resources, unless people can help then releases will inevitably be delayed for long periods of time (until a time that the few people involved can raise funds on their own).
Remember, the SC Label is entirely non profit.
Small quantities of vinyl are pressed, and a price for the vinyl is calculated such that when all copies are sold, break even point is reached.
This means VERY cheap vinyl for you!!
But its not sustainable without people helping out.
How can you help out?
1) Donate
From now on all donations to SC will go directly toward the label costs.
You can donate via the link below. Please dig deep and show your support!!
2) Buy the records
SC Volume 1:
SC Volume 2:
They are a serious bargain - 3 x 12" vinyl, each triple pack only £10 plus P&P !
Packed with quality music. No excuse not to own these!
3) Help promote the records
Here is a list of announcements on many different forums.
Go and register at some of these forums and post your support for the releases in the relevant threads.
If you are a memeber of a forum not listed then start a thread in that forum, with all the relevant info, linking back to one of the sales threads here.
Tell your mates, get them to buy the records.
In short, GO SPREAD THE WORD. It doesn't take a lot of effort from you.