over time, it has become increasingly difficult to coordinate the subvert central podcast. far too often we have been left in a position without a podcast to release, despite it being requested that the show hosts have their podcasts completed and uploaded 6 weeks prior to their scheduled show date.
as such, i am changing the way that the shows are scheduled.
from now on there will be no named schedule.
the podcasts will continue to be released every two weeks.
i will maintain a backlog of podcasts ready to go live, and they will go live on a first in first out basis.
so, for all those wishing to feature on an sc podcast, here are the details you need to know:
length: 60 minutes maximum (cannot be longer due to bandwidth issues)
filetype: mp3 128kbps (cannot be higher due to bandwidth issues)
i recognize that this is a relatively low quality format, but it will be fine for the purposes of the podcast - a way to showcase all sorts of different music and discuss many different viewpoints that people otherwise may never have listened to.
you can include anything you want in the podcast.
i mean anything.
any style of music.
with commentary or without.
mixed or unmixed.
the more diverse the better.
it doesn't even have to be music - if you think you could do a whole show of jokes then great, get in touch....
if you could do an episode talking about your favourite film director and his work, then superb, get in touch....
anything. absolutely anything.

you then need to overlay the sc podcast jingle before you upload it.
get the jingle from here:
it needs to be placed at these points over your podcast:
15 mins
30 mins
45 mins
when you have your podcast ready, and in the correct format, and with the jingle overlayed, please save the file with the following name:
scpodcast_submission date(ddmmyy)_your forum name.mp3
when you are ready to upload it, contact [edit]koe via pm with the following details so that he can give you details of where to upload to.
- full tracklisting
- a one sentence summary of your show
thats all you need to do.
i'll do the rest....
as always, the podcasts will be available from:
as such, i am changing the way that the shows are scheduled.
from now on there will be no named schedule.
the podcasts will continue to be released every two weeks.
i will maintain a backlog of podcasts ready to go live, and they will go live on a first in first out basis.
so, for all those wishing to feature on an sc podcast, here are the details you need to know:
length: 60 minutes maximum (cannot be longer due to bandwidth issues)
filetype: mp3 128kbps (cannot be higher due to bandwidth issues)
i recognize that this is a relatively low quality format, but it will be fine for the purposes of the podcast - a way to showcase all sorts of different music and discuss many different viewpoints that people otherwise may never have listened to.
you can include anything you want in the podcast.
i mean anything.
any style of music.
with commentary or without.
mixed or unmixed.
the more diverse the better.
it doesn't even have to be music - if you think you could do a whole show of jokes then great, get in touch....
if you could do an episode talking about your favourite film director and his work, then superb, get in touch....
anything. absolutely anything.

you then need to overlay the sc podcast jingle before you upload it.
get the jingle from here:
it needs to be placed at these points over your podcast:
15 mins
30 mins
45 mins
when you have your podcast ready, and in the correct format, and with the jingle overlayed, please save the file with the following name:
scpodcast_submission date(ddmmyy)_your forum name.mp3
when you are ready to upload it, contact [edit]koe via pm with the following details so that he can give you details of where to upload to.
- full tracklisting
- a one sentence summary of your show
thats all you need to do.
i'll do the rest....
as always, the podcasts will be available from: