*edit* title change 
Ive been on a gaming frenzy for the last week or so, just wondered if any of you have played these and what you thought?
PS3 - Heavenly Sword:
OMFGOMGWTFOMFG! This game is the donkeys dangly-doos! I have been absolutly blown away by it, it easily the best looking game ever released, it is absolutly jaw droppingly gorgeous, i really cannot get over how much!
The story is engrossing, definatly helped by the amazing graphics, voice acting and excellent mo-cap and the battle system is great. battle seems to involve 'skilled button mashing' which is fine by me as well as some cool six-axis motion control arrow firing.
hopefully gonna complete this tonight (i think im on the final battle)
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: / 5
XBox360 - Stranglehold:
Whilst i havnt acctually played this (I hate first person shooters with dual analog with a passion) I have certainly enojyed watching freinds play this nrealy to completion. I think that it brings alot more to the table than Halo3 has, although quite reminicent of max payne its alot more fast paced and action packed.
The character models and environments are lovely and destruct wonderfully, theres nothing like shooting a guy dead on in the balls or seeing marble pillars explode in oblvion.
Im sure that if i enjoyed dual-analog fps's then i would enjoy this, however its still great fun to watch.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: / 5
XBox360 - Halo3 (dont ask where it came from):
Gay as a window. The multiplayer might be good (we havnt tried it yet) but the single play is poop. the water looks nice... but for a triple (if not quadrouple) 'A' title i would have thought this would look better, absolutly pales in comparison to the sheer beauty of Heavenly Sword... plu it looks like more of the same old same old.. run a bit shoot some aliens then do a bit more alien shooting.
Wii - Resident evil:
Good fun, the controls are a bit wierd but i got used to them quite quickly and its annoying theres no strafe but all in all some good zombie blasting joy. Ive only played about an hour of this so far and hope it only gets better.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: / 5
Wii - Super paper mario:
WTF is up with the intro... its the longest intro ive ever ever had to put up with.. it just goes on and on and on and on... then you acctually get to the title screen and hit (2) and then again it goes on and on and on and on and on (admitidly some of the dialogue is really funny).. then the action starts and all is good
aside from the huge intro i am absolutly loving the paper mario, i had reservations as i havnt really enjoyed platformers since being a small child (i just dont have the reflexes anymore) but can happily say that its great. i played the first chapter and came accross some really inovative puzzles, flipping into 3D is wicked.
very enjoyable
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: / 5

Ive been on a gaming frenzy for the last week or so, just wondered if any of you have played these and what you thought?
PS3 - Heavenly Sword:
OMFGOMGWTFOMFG! This game is the donkeys dangly-doos! I have been absolutly blown away by it, it easily the best looking game ever released, it is absolutly jaw droppingly gorgeous, i really cannot get over how much!
The story is engrossing, definatly helped by the amazing graphics, voice acting and excellent mo-cap and the battle system is great. battle seems to involve 'skilled button mashing' which is fine by me as well as some cool six-axis motion control arrow firing.
hopefully gonna complete this tonight (i think im on the final battle)
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: / 5
XBox360 - Stranglehold:
Whilst i havnt acctually played this (I hate first person shooters with dual analog with a passion) I have certainly enojyed watching freinds play this nrealy to completion. I think that it brings alot more to the table than Halo3 has, although quite reminicent of max payne its alot more fast paced and action packed.
The character models and environments are lovely and destruct wonderfully, theres nothing like shooting a guy dead on in the balls or seeing marble pillars explode in oblvion.
Im sure that if i enjoyed dual-analog fps's then i would enjoy this, however its still great fun to watch.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: / 5
XBox360 - Halo3 (dont ask where it came from):
Gay as a window. The multiplayer might be good (we havnt tried it yet) but the single play is poop. the water looks nice... but for a triple (if not quadrouple) 'A' title i would have thought this would look better, absolutly pales in comparison to the sheer beauty of Heavenly Sword... plu it looks like more of the same old same old.. run a bit shoot some aliens then do a bit more alien shooting.

Wii - Resident evil:
Good fun, the controls are a bit wierd but i got used to them quite quickly and its annoying theres no strafe but all in all some good zombie blasting joy. Ive only played about an hour of this so far and hope it only gets better.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: / 5
Wii - Super paper mario:
WTF is up with the intro... its the longest intro ive ever ever had to put up with.. it just goes on and on and on and on... then you acctually get to the title screen and hit (2) and then again it goes on and on and on and on and on (admitidly some of the dialogue is really funny).. then the action starts and all is good

aside from the huge intro i am absolutly loving the paper mario, i had reservations as i havnt really enjoyed platformers since being a small child (i just dont have the reflexes anymore) but can happily say that its great. i played the first chapter and came accross some really inovative puzzles, flipping into 3D is wicked.
very enjoyable
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: / 5