Want to do a Podcast for Subvert Central?

164 Replies, 208109 Views

Statto Wrote:okay, since it seems no one else is up for it, I'll do #50

Statto's educational modern classical podcast is now forthcoming Smile

you know nothing of modern classical music :P
Statto Wrote:okay, since it seems no one else is up for it, I'll do #50

Statto's educational modern classical podcast is now forthcoming Smile

Muttley Wrote:
Statto Wrote:okay, since it seems no one else is up for it, I'll do #50

Statto's educational modern classical podcast is now forthcoming Smile

you know nothing of modern classical music :P


can you put it together for me if I send you the tracks Wave
Statto Wrote:201tongue

Tell a lie, you came to the Greg Haines concert, so you must know something Wink

Statto Wrote:can you put it together for me if I send you the tracks Wave

Sure. It might even inspire me to do another ambient and classical mix for SubVersion Smile
can do one along these lines (and recorded on a better set up)
I have a little guitar mix I can offer up for an upcoming edition...

early german to post-rock to drone into dark metallic industrial would be the course of action Oops
esb Wrote:I have a little guitar mix I can offer up for an upcoming edition...

early german to post-rock to drone into dark metallic industrial would be the course of action Oops

Yes! Smile
Statto Wrote:okay, since it seems no one else is up for it, I'll do #50

Statto's educational modern classical podcast is now forthcoming Smile

still gathering tracks for it — it's difficult when you can't rip your vinyl
sent PM, have one completed and ready to upload
it's not dnb is it? :P
Statto Wrote:
esb Wrote:I have a little guitar mix I can offer up for an upcoming edition...

early german to post-rock to drone into dark metallic industrial would be the course of action Oops


Give me a month's time as a heads up and I will draft up a whole new 60 minute setlist for it Wink

The mix I did up for your birthday is now up on soundcloud for other consumption....