Bonz Wrote:Funny, it's probably easier than ever to organise a large-scale illegal rave, yet hardly anyone does it anymore...
i'm not sure it's that easy, good locations are few and far between plus you need people with a rig, generator and transport. a good few hundred quid goes in to it. There was one down in Cornwall (which I was gutted I couldn't get a lift to) a couple of years ago where there were about 8000 people
There are still a few good uns about
MORE STORIES!!!!!!!! i'm only 22 i wannna hear some og fryin type shit lol
markgabba Wrote:Gutted i didn't attend any of the biggies in 92..Universe, fantazia etc but i simply wasn't old enough 
I was well old enough and I never went to any raves either, big or small
nor to any of the famous clubs in London: Speed, Rage, Clink Street, The Trip, Spectrum, Shoom (though I was living just up the road)
nor to any of them round here, not even Renaissance in Mansfield (though I walked past it hundreds of times)
I never went to the Hacienda either, not even in the original Factory days when I went everywhere else
who gives a shit? :P
Don Cherry Wrote:Every human is blessed in her or his life with one love (passion), no matter how long it may last. This Absolute love will last in one's heart and soul forever.
Statto Wrote:I was well old enough and I never went to any raves either, big or small
nor to any of the famous clubs in London: Speed, Rage, Clink Street, The Trip, Spectrum, Shoom (though I was living just up the road)
nor to any of them round here, not even Renaissance in Mansfield (though I walked past it hundreds of times)
I never went to the Hacienda either, not even in the original Factory days when I went everywhere else
who gives a shit? :P
Keep JUMPin ya Bastids
i went to a few raves back in the day and got twatted and cant remember anything.
Ashes Wrote:i went to a few raves back in the day and got twatted and cant remember anything.
I'm sure
One time, long ago...
I went to Audiotistic in Los Angeles b/c Storm and Roni Size were playing. Storm played pretty good... def not the best set I've heard from her. RONI actually smashed it!
So anyway, long story short, I ate a pill and it made my tummy feel nasty while it was kickin in. Then, right when it completely hit me, Craze was on playing some terrible shit (but scratching up a wet dream) and I felt vommittttEee. Part of the reason wasn't just the shit dnb but an E puddle of 20+ heads getting bigger and bigger w/ their stupid beads/light shows/vapor rub/massage bullshit rubbing up on my leg and advancing in size. I kept having to move over more b/c they kept touching me and it was gross.
Then, all of a sudden, I couldn't help it and puked all over the ground to the left of me (the opposite side of the E puddle of retards). Like I said, these morons got more and more folks in on their stupidity, pushin me further to the left then finally after I puked on the ground, I bounced out. I came back to the area a few minutes later after getting a beverage to take the bad taste out of my mouth, and the E puddle of dumb ass ravers were congregated in my vomit, sitting and rubbing themselves in it. They were so fucked up, they had no idea and I literally saw my vomit on them.
This was not only the grossest shit I had ever seen at a rave but also, the funniest. I had won the battle and left a nice present to mix in with their idiotic behavior! The moral of this story is: FUCK CANDY RAVERS... they need new brains.
noisemonkey Wrote:I still go to free parties sometimes where some mates rinse out some hardcore ragga jungle action + a bit of choppage here and there. Great hearing that stuff echoing round a valley or out in some woods. I went to one that was in an old quarry on the side of a hill and it was so high up on the moors that in the morning we watched the run rise from the sea. Beautiful, not to mention climbing trees after doing some beans at 7 in the morning and drinking tequila as it started to get light. They had lasers lights on the trees, it was just up the road from a small festival which people were leaving to come to the rave. They even had a tea tent with a well sound couple running it. The pigs didn't turn up til til about 1 in the afternoon the next day and got it shut down but didn't confiscate anything thankfully...
Next time one is on, let me know!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do love a good rave
Statto Wrote:I was well old enough and I never went to any raves either, big or small
nor to any of the famous clubs in London: Speed, Rage, Clink Street, The Trip, Spectrum, Shoom (though I was living just up the road)
nor to any of them round here, not even Renaissance in Mansfield (though I walked past it hundreds of times)
I never went to the Hacienda either, not even in the original Factory days when I went everywhere else
Statto Wrote:Ashes Wrote:i went to a few raves back in the day and got twatted and cant remember anything.
I'm sure 
First nights i went to were in 88. Proper acid house nights.Proberly shite sound stystems not many lights just strobes and backdrops and sheets lowering the celings. They were held in the place i was doing work experience at. It was in a studio with rehersal rooms run by reel to reel and The Plastic jam(with backing from one of the head men in the ICF)
One of the first things i went to that played tunes with breaks in was Total confusion in 89. Me Dev and Leke Aerosoul heard about it on a pirate radio had to go and phone a number was then told to go to a phone box where there was another number in the box called there got asked a couple of questions and then were told where to go.We arrived at a place down a backstreet in south London(dodgey looking place.)
We thought there was nothing going on and then a metel door opened and some guy let us in.We went down some stair underground in some tunnels that looked like a massive celler with big tunnels and lose bricks everywhere.
We`d brought some beers in a carrier bag(we were 16)  I always remember chatting to some girls who were pilled up and thinking oh shit they are on drugs ha ha. We had the best night and then went out every weekend for the next few years.
As for it being called jungle. Back then it was called hardcore the name jungle didnt started getting bounced around until 92/93ish. Jungle was what people were genrally called the more ragga type tunes and stuff on Ibiza/E/Third Party/Kemit records. The media jumped on the name and started calling the whole scene jungle. Especially when general levy came out and claimed to be the king of the jungle!
The name drum and bass came about not long after. At first to desribe another twist in the evolving sound(more sparcer beats like the helicopter tune) and the name kind of stuck. Personaly i prefered it to jungle, as Jungle to me was, and still is a certain sound/style.
Statto Wrote:markgabba Wrote:Gutted i didn't attend any of the biggies in 92..Universe, fantazia etc but i simply wasn't old enough 
I was well old enough and I never went to any raves either, big or small
nor to any of the famous clubs in London: Speed, Rage, Clink Street, The Trip, Spectrum, Shoom (though I was living just up the road)
nor to any of them round here, not even Renaissance in Mansfield (though I walked past it hundreds of times)
I never went to the Hacienda either, not even in the original Factory days when I went everywhere else
who gives a shit? :P
Statto you are officially a helmet! How could you be into the music and never went and experienced those early days. What were you doing? cheese and wine evenings?
Deadly story Dave
My experiences started back in 1991, attending parties in the countryside in Nottingham/Derby, with a similar set up to Dave Trax's. Having to phone a number, and making arrangements through a friend of a friend.
We only ever drank alcohol at first, but gradually most of us started pills (I managed to avoid them myself). I still got mashed up on everything else though.
I think by '96 the scene no longer had that magic that it first had. The sense of mystery had long since disappeared, and I felt less inclined to bother going out (plus I needed to sober up a bit!)
I think 1991-1992 were my favourite years for going out, as it was all fresh, new and exciting, and you never knew what would happen next.
It still had the excitement in 1993 and 1994, but after that faded slightly. There's still a part of me stuck back in that era, and it will certainly always be a time that I'm glad happened to me personally. My only regret is not getting into acid house until mid 1990
But generally
davetrax Wrote:Statto you are officially a helmet! How could you be into the music and never went and experienced those early days. What were you doing? cheese and wine evenings?
playing chess, listening to classical music, stuff like that
big parties with loads of idiots off their face really aren't my idea of a good time
(without wanting to derail the thread)
What about loads of non-idiots off their faces?
Or do you just dislike people off their faces in general? Not having a go- just curious.
Statto Wrote:I was well old enough and I never went to any raves either, big or small
nor to any of the famous clubs in London: Speed, Rage, Clink Street, The Trip, Spectrum, Shoom (though I was living just up the road)
nor to any of them round here, not even Renaissance in Mansfield (though I walked past it hundreds of times)
I never went to the Hacienda either, not even in the original Factory days when I went everywhere else
I imagine you was too busy posting on here :P
Kind of annoys me you had the opportunity and never went to any of them lol
I went to my first rave at 19 in 2003, how gutted am I?
Utopian Wrote:What about loads of non-idiots off their faces?
Or do you just dislike people off their faces in general? Not having a go- just curious.
I originally wrote "people off their faces" but then changed it to idiots
because even it's only 5% idiots, it's the idiots you remember.
but in general I don't like big crowds, whether they're off their faces or not
law Wrote:kind of annoys me you had the opportunity and never went to any of them lol
but generally i find that big events are better read about afterwards. a good author can usually make you wish you were there, that it was some historic moment or whatever.
whereas if i actually was there, what i remember was that it was very muddy or the floor was covered in beer; that it was too crowded and you couldn't get to the bar; and the beer was piss and massively overpriced anyway; and there was nowhere to sit down, and the sound system was shit; and there were inevitably idiots being idiots.
Christ you sound like a boring bastard, no offence like
Law Wrote:Christ you sound like a boring bastard, no offence like
Happiest sat infront of a VDU methinks :P
DUBPLATE (Retired)
lol, is it a sign I've been posting here too long that I have a huge urge to weigh in and defend statto, and call you guys cunts?
seriously though, law you've been signed up for 2 and a half years, how can this surprise you?