Here's my story :P pretty boring/embarrasing, but hey..
I discovered hardcore and acid house when I was at school in around 1998, at the age of 13.
It started of as just a fascination about raves, smiley faces and the like.
Probably brought about by me discovering cannabis, and tunes like 'searching for my rizla' being played by mates.
I started to read as much as I could find about 85-94.
Around year 2000, I discovered ecstasy, this made me love euphoric hardcore tunes even more, a lot of really cheesy ones,
and some better ones from manix, rufige kru etc. and some chicago house.
My bedroom started to look like a rave, covered in flyers, stupid posters and smiley faces.
At the time, the only terms my mates used to describe drum and bass was jump up and darkside.
I liked both, but used to love the 'darkside' i'd hear from krust, ed rush, grooverider, metalheadz.
Around the same time, I started to go to raves. My first impressions of 'old school' raves that played hardcore tunes
like 'flashback' at the que club in birmingham, was awful. No vibes, awful soundsystem, and a mix of people that just didn't work for me.
Drum and Bass raves at the time where always seemed proper moody for a 15/16 year old youth like myself.
Half the times I went to dnb nights, I never even heard the tunes, just sat with a load of mates in the chillout rooms.
I'd always listen to the tunes, sets downloaded from napster, at home, in my headphones, everywhere i went.
My favourite raves at the time where techno raves, big venues to grimey little clubs.
The drugs where strong, there was no moodyness, probably the closest I got to experiencing the 'rave' vibe i'd read about.
I had no interest hunting down techno tunes at the time, I knew a handful, like The Bells by Jeff Mills, I just liked dancing to it in clubs.
My ideas of the genre were confused even further by resident DJs like Surgeon, who used to play everything and anything in his sets.
I remember when he used to drop what I later found out to be 'basic channel' tunes, I used to think he was playing straight up dub tunes.
I started to buy vinyl a couple of years later (2002), and discovered 2nd wave reinforced, photek, paradox etc.
Got a car with a mint soundsystem which i still miss now. Lived from 2002-2005 constantly booming those drumfunk tunes, amen tunes in my car.
Went to a technicality all nighter, loved it, discovered the subverts.
2005 to now - sold my car, went to uni, became extremely jaded and have a hangover.