SC Vol.3 has finally arrived and is on sale in this thread

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subvert central vol.3 lp!

the third in the series of sc non-profit 3x12" vinyl compilations is now on sale
this time it's a multi-genre extravaganza
with 14 tracks, comprising over 90 minutes of music

dj trax - this one / the tribe \ cryme meets dj trax - throwback
atomhead - cyclotron / betatron / psytron
macc - mean streets / mr mitcheson's rhythm method
nubian mindz - pure / seven / sound mission
formication - catastrophe in blue
fanu - children / this behavior is not unique

full low-bit-rate audio is online at sc virb

(all prices are in pounds sterling and include postage)

first copy:
uk first class £15
europe airmail £16.50
world airmail £18

additional copies: (to the same address in the same package)
uk first class £13
europe airmail £14.50
world airmail £16

sc back catalogue
there are still some copies of the first two eps available:

sc vol.1 ep
alpha omega - swingers / militant thoughts
blue - suck / nextploitations / my mind is going
pieter k - crossroads / maze

sc vol.2 ep
fracture & neptune - visions of amen / clouds over memphis / visions
sileni - another track / random bullshit / daytime jackhammering
uzhas - soulkast / dissident - taiga

prices per ep:
uk first class £12
europe airmail £13.50
world airmail £15


add up the cost of everything you want to order
and paypal the appropriate amount to [email protected]

other options:
cheques / postal orders (in the uk only)
cash (a bit risky) or western union transfer (a bit of a hassle)

if you have any queries just send me a pm
or else email [email protected] or [email protected]

Lisa Wave Wave Rainbow

subvert central recordings is
[Image: scaffiliated1.gif]

Ez mate ill get an address for Cryme/Roksteady for you
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buy buy buy
beats are there to be broken
three volumes of subvert central - well done statman

SC's shit is sick!
fanu Wrote:SC's shit is sick!

A: This is real shit. This is pure shit.
B: It's good shit, right?
A: I mean bad shit.
B: Bad shit like, "this shit is bad?"
A: It's shit shit. This shit isn't worth shit. Anybody caught on the street with this would get killed. This is real shit!
Gwan Mr Statto!!

Get those orders in.....
nice one- congrats!
Oceans of Subvert related tunes available at the moment !!

Icon_eek Grin
subvert world domination Acclaim Yes
which is awesome!
argh! i'm skint at the moment and me paypal's on the fritz. Sad2 don't worry, i'll figure something out. Wink

oh and uh....boh. Xyxthumbs
great stuff gang Falcon
Next pay day for sure.
May as well make it 3 in a row.
great news!

lookin in my post tomorrow Icon_yippee
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Don Cherry Wrote:Every human is blessed in her or his life with one love (passion), no matter how long it may last. This Absolute love will last in one's heart and soul forever.
they arrive then? Wave
640's or stfu
By next Thurs I will know whether finances permit.

No longer have a turntable though, how much for a CD jon?!!
Have you done a released thread on doa mate?
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