Fido (zombie film)

3 Replies, 1308 Views

Anyone seen this? Part of the whole post modern zombie mileu:

Quote: Lying somewhere between PLEASANTVILLE and NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, FIDO is a zombie buddy pic/love story set in a picture-perfect, technicolored 1950s suburb. With the world still recovering from a zombie war that broke out several... Lying somewhere between PLEASANTVILLE and NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, FIDO is a zombie buddy pic/love story set in a picture-perfect, technicolored 1950s suburb. With the world still recovering from a zombie war that broke out several decades prior, the town of Willard has found a way to keep the peace. The world beyond the gates may be overrun by zombies, but fortunately a huge corporation called ZomCom has managed to domesticate the undead, turning them into faithful servants of the human race. Director Andrew Currie's movie follows a young boy named Timmy (K'Sun Ray) as he develops a friendship with the zombie (Billy Connolly) his mother purchases to impress the new neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Bottoms, when she finds out Mr. Bottoms (Henry Czerny) just happens to be the head of ZomCom itself. Naming his new friend Fido and initially treating him like a poorly-behaved dog, Timmy soon confirms what he always secretly suspected – that zombies can have feelings too. No one is more surprised by this than Timmy's mom, Helen (Carrie-Anne Moss), who, as an escape from of her rude, zombie-phobic husband (Dylan Baker), develops some very human feelings for the household zombie help. The best part about Fido are the zombies themselves, with Billy Connolly giving a great performance as Fido. Even though he's never given an opportunity to speak, Connolly convincingly comes across as kind and life-loving despite his zombie-ness. In creating the look of the 1950s, the film boasts impressively bright colors and neat furniture design. This, combined with elaborate costumes, provides a surreal backdrop for a fantastical plot. Thankfully Currie never gets too sentimental with his script, and maintains a satirical tone throughout, throwing in a severed limb whenever things risk getting to weepy.
[Image: lol1lm.gif] Xyxthumbs this looks good!
It was OK I guess, pretty innocuous, safe and innoffensive. I don't remember much satire in it really, it just seemed kind of stuck on its original concept and just applying something supposedly edgey or hip (zombies) to a radically different but safe backdrop without much interesting interaction between the two ideas. I didn't regret seeing it but it definitely wasn't movie of the year for me.
Fido is a savage takedown of fear-based societies because it hides behind a pastel-perfect, corporate-controlled illusion of safety. ZomCom doesn’t just control the undead—it controls the living, selling the idea that obedience equals survival. Step out of line, question the system, and you’re as good as a zombie yourself. Willard isn’t a utopia; it’s a leash. Fear keeps people docile while a corporation decides who matters and who’s expendable. The real monsters aren’t the undead—they’re the ones profiting off paranoia. Dylan Baker’s character is the perfect example: a man so consumed by fear and authority that he’s completely lost any sense of humanity. And then there’s Fido. A zombie who—without a single word—undermines the whole system. His connection with Timmy, and Helen’s darkly hilarious attraction to him, expose the cracks in ZomCom’s manufactured reality. He’s supposed to be dangerous, but the real danger is the world that made him property. I think what makes Fido so unique is how it lays all this bare without ever preaching. It just throws you into the absurdity and lets the satire sink in. Definitely something to see. Just not a gorefest if that's what you're looking for.

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