Currently on your stereo

3473 Replies, 1802526 Views

Doc Scott - Far Away
Bohren & Der Club of Gore - Dolores
Banco de Gaia - The Final Frontier

old skoooool Jig
general malice - sensemelia remix Falcon
Voivod - Nothingface
June Miller Experimental Mix 2008
b2b with Lomax's Too Real.

I can't stop listening to either. Over and Over we go.
Sahib Shihab - Ma'nee
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Goo (Deluxe Edition)
monolake - hongkong remastered

[Image: dance.gif]
Arthur Russell - Love Is Overtaking Me
Musicology - Virtual Reality
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Daniel Maze - Red After Image LP
equinox's inperspective knowledge mag mix

I've just put on Subvert Central Volume 1 and I'm going to go through to Volume 3, playing all the tracks in order. Smile
Utopian Wrote:I've just put on Subvert Central Volume 1 and I'm going to go through to Volume 3, playing all the tracks in order. Smile

Love the cheeky sound on the amen in 'Visions of Amen' at 4:22 on the Virb page. The amen really talks on this tune.
I'm reading a slightly disturbing book and I'd never before released how some of these tunes can be quite scary. 'Visions', 'Clouds Over Memphis' and even the normally somewhat cheerful 'Another Track' are like thriller soundtracks.

I already found 'Catastrophe in Blue' scary before this though; looking forward to that.
[Image: 51XN59Z1EQL.jpg]
various | no-tek - torsion féconde: deviant speedkor ardkor sampler

mattrick Wrote:[Image: 51XN59Z1EQL.jpg]


[Image: Ole_coltrane.jpg]

Naked City
Kontra Wrote:Naked City

Torture Garden? Grin
rustie - jagz the smack


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