That Photek Sample CD

222 Replies, 162789 Views

I know i promised this to a few people ages ago and failed to deliver, but i now finally have another copy, its called Junk Percussion by Zero G.

This is the cd Photek used to sample some sounds he used around the time of Modus/Form & Function.....(Ni Ten Ichi Ryu etc......)

Its not the beats, just random percussive sounds he a few other good bits.

It's around 800mb (at 16bit wav format), anybody know somewhere that could host it (without me getting in trouble for copyright etc)

Xaf Wrote:I know i promised this to a few people ages ago and failed to deliver, but i now finally have another copy, its called Junk Percussion by Zero G.

This is the cd Photek used to sample some sounds he used around the time of Modus/Form & Function.....(Ni Ten Ichi Ryu etc......)

Its not the beats, just random percussive sounds he a few other good bits.

It's around 800mb (at 16bit wav format), anybody know somewhere that could host it (without me getting in trouble for copyright etc)


just bung it up on rapidshare or like.

you could always FLAC it first, reduces it to around 2/3 (~550-600mb?)


im intrigued.
Sendspace max filesize is 300mb...
I know it would involve a bit of work, but you could split the wavs into 3 chunks, zip 'em up and upload there.
I for one would really appreciate it if you did Xyxthumbs

Now, who's got the reinforced Sample CD for me..........
Ok, I will find somewhere 2moz to upload it in a suitable accessible way.....

PM me those who want the link....not really a good idea to post it on the board....don't wanna get shot by the zero g police....

*Dunno why, but I'm not getting reply notifications to this post.....

Oh yeah, the reinforced thing would be nice if anybody has that.....could just bring me out of dnb retirement....

i have actually. i also have a bit of space we can use temporarily.
ill pm you details. have to flac up the R pack.

ill have to do a bit of web gimpery first tho which may confuse my poor brain...
Reinforced one here somewhere. Let me know what the hosting details are and I'll lossless compress it. Probably AAC as that's easier for me.
why not just wav ? the trouble of compressing decomping it for a couple of mb less....
most here have adsl or cable right ?
as we are in the sharing caring mood I have finally found the future music sample cd from 1992/3 that was used in sooooo many classic tunes , including most of valley of the shadows and countless noises you will recognize like the whale sounds, and ahhhhhwwwooo , even ub40 sampled from it lol
I'd definately be h'interested in this!

can never have enough percussions, i'll trade for some random machine noises im gonna be recording soon (time permitting) Wink
ill have me some of that if youre still gonna upload it (sent you a pm XAF)

@ DSP wouldnt mind getting my grubby little pikey mitts on that future music one aswell
bring on the links Hyper
dsp Wrote:as we are in the sharing caring mood I have finally found the future music sample cd from 1992/3 that was used in sooooo many classic tunes , including most of valley of the shadows and countless noises you will recognize like the whale sounds, and ahhhhhwwwooo , even ub40 sampled from it lol

I've got that. It's got 2 or 3 tunes by Mesh on it. I loved them, very Depeche Mode Grin

Goldie and the Metalheadz gang cained that CD. So did I for my amiga game tunes!!
yup, i have it too. was going through it the other day.

i was looking for an early FM cd, but not that one, which had some old time and space samples, theres one noise i distinctly remember sampling years agao i want again, but cant find Icon_sad

going thru sample cds is so boring Hahaha
I'd be interested in the future music cd Leo Wink

Ive an account, so I can gice access to that page, no limit uploading. Im interested too about those discs...
Ok here's the links to parts 2 & 3 of the CD


I'm uploading part 1 now, shouldn't be too long.

top man nice one,

I will get mine sorted next few days, btw the one i have is the first ever fm cd from issue 4 with liams from the prodigy on the cover, i lost / chucked out all my old magazines from 1992 onwards Icon_sad im trying to track down a scan of the source direct interview from fm if any one has a copy

Now im going to geet the Reinforced disc! Grin
Cheers Xaf Grin
cheers dude Grin
nice one.
i could host some but would prefer to have it so peeps has to pm fo the link.
pm me for the hosting.

leo is that the one with the long dark tunnel sample? i remember that one if it is.
thanks!! Smile
thought i'd start a group up on this subject

u know the score....
Yo...I need that R semple cd...i mean i realy NEED IT...
...u know...NEED IT BAAADLY!
...and what happened to the 1st part of that photek cd????

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