that photek break

327 Replies, 346154 Views

cheers mark.

say what you will TVG, I still find this interesting altough of course times were different, technology less developed etc. Smile

and photek or not: reading this makes me wish I had more time to spend on beats these days JEDIcrying
cycom Wrote:reading this makes me wish I had more time to spend on beats these days JEDIcrying

tell me about it mate, no energy for creative works here at the mo too drained
dsp Wrote:
cycom Wrote:reading this makes me wish I had more time to spend on beats these days JEDIcrying

tell me about it mate, no energy for creative works here at the mo too drained

family and working creux Wave
cycom Wrote:
dsp Wrote:
cycom Wrote:reading this makes me wish I had more time to spend on beats these days JEDIcrying

tell me about it mate, no energy for creative works here at the mo too drained

family and working creux Wave

well sadly time wise its "working and then family creux", I hate making other people rich while i scrape a living Eek
dsp Wrote:well sadly time wise its "working and then family creux", I hate making other people rich while i scrape a living Eek


I've just moved house and it's been a stressful time. I hope it's gonna get better once everything is made homely Wink Just made a to-do list with 72 items! Icon_eek JEDIcrying

60x60 deadline closing in, too Nervous
@cycom: didn't mean at all in that way. simply joking about Smile
Thomas gets a bit touchy about this topic Hahaha Teef
[Image: protabl3.gif]
Don Cherry Wrote:Every human is blessed in her or his life with one love (passion), no matter how long it may last. This Absolute love will last in one's heart and soul forever.
Macc Wrote:Thomas gets a bit touchy about this topic Hahaha Teef

Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha at least lately Wink

@TVG: I know! No worries... It's just that in this forum the mentioning of "He-who-must-not-be-named" is taken a bit too seriously Kisskiss
Who's that then?
[Image: protabl3.gif]
Don Cherry Wrote:Every human is blessed in her or his life with one love (passion), no matter how long it may last. This Absolute love will last in one's heart and soul forever.
Macc Wrote:Who's that then?

[Image: fatherblue.gif]
i dont think so No

Ive just put some old Photek stuffs into my iPod last day, and sitting in the bus, when the big bang came!!!

Check the tune "Smoke Rings".

There is the break what cycom need, but there is another break, a bit crunchy one...

When I went home, convreted the full tune into wav, and just pitched down the whole track...(just cause Fracture sad its in 33rpm and we need to switch it to 45...)

So the second crunchy break is the Think break. Yes. Its the Thin break.

Just get a think break, timestreetch it to down as possible, then pitch up the timestreeched one. (I have a very similar, close edit, but i need mooore compression and eq...wont post it cause it sounds shit...)

The another break.


But i dont know where it from...
cheers snaper, will give this some listens. really the think break? Icon_eek

I think Fracture spoke about "that other break" btw (which really seems to be a full break, since Danny Breaks used it on "The Bear", too) ...

cycom Wrote:cheers snaper, will give this some listens. really the think break? Icon_eek

I think Fracture spoke about "that other break" btw (which really seems to be a full break, since Danny Breaks used it on "The Bear", too) ...


Yeah, Im still looking for that break...

There are a Photek interview on Youtube (that old sh*t with Photeks Ferrari, and with Source Direct and with Squarepusher.) On that video he showed where he sample stuffs. There was a Miles Davis vinyl, with green back cover, so i think there is what we need...
Allright...ive got nu clues...

Watch this video carefully. There is a part (in 3:11), when Photek shows some vinyls, and the one what put on the turntable, is one with blue cover...

Ive search all night long on discogs, and rolldabeats to get that album name and finally ive found it on wikipedia :

So this on is an album called Big Fun from Miles Davis...

...its from the 70s, and its 33rpm...maybe?
Cheers, I'll be downloading this Smile But don't become obsessed with it, mate. Wink
It doesn't mean much that he shows that record. I think he probably sampled some rhodes sound from it.
Second half of "Great Expectations" contains a version of "Orange Lady" by Joe Zawinul. Best.
It's not from the miles album ! As Cycom said he possibly lifted some Rhodes or upright bass etc from it though

May start it again? GrinGrinGrin

Fracture! PLEASE!!!
Give us a year and a label name... Grin
haha, what have i started. No serious though, this break is a real dig. I heard the damn record in a shop and didn't buy it because i didn't really think i could use it. It took for someone else to school me on it, then i went back and bought it. This break wasn't really my find so i've got to keep it under wraps!
DJFracture Wrote:haha, what have i started. No serious though, this break is a real dig. I heard the damn record in a shop and didn't buy it because i didn't really think i could use it. It took for someone else to school me on it, then i went back and bought it. This break wasn't really my find so i've got to keep it under wraps!


I can live with that, mate. Just do something with it Falcon

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