Muttley - Back To Mine II

12 Replies, 8517 Views

[Image: Muttley%20-%20My%20folks%20in%20Cornwall...imgmax=800]

Download exclusively at Low Light Mixes

T R A C K L I S T :

01. Brian Mcbride - The Guilt Of Uncomplicated Thoughts (from the album "When The Detail Lost Its Freedom" - Kranky)
02. Philip Jeck - Wholesome (from the album "7" - Touch)
03. Rameses III - The Kindness Of Letting Go (from the album "I Could Not Love You More" - Type)
04. Mogwai - Aidan's Waltz (from the album "Come On Die Young" - Chemikal Underground)
05. Hilmar O Hilmarrson & Sigur Ros - Degradation (from the album "Angels Of The Universe" - Import)
06. Olafur Arnalds - Lost Song (from the album "Found Songs" - Erased Tapes)
07. ASC - Highbrow (from the Warm008 12' - Warm Communications)
08. Autechre - Nil (from the album "Amber" - Warp)
09. The Drift - Noumena (from the album "Ceiling Sky" - Temporary Residence)
10. The Alpha Rhythm - The Return (from the album "Proof Of Concept" - Seedknowledge)
11. The Cinematic Orchestra - Diabolus (from the album "Motion" - Ninja Tune)
12. Badmammal - Sending And Taking (goodluck/badluck unreleased)
13. Glint - Double Vision (from the album "Sound In Silence" -
14. A Silver Mount Zion - The Triumph Of Our Tired Eyes (from the album "Born Into Trouble As The Sparks Fly Upward" - Constellation)

"Reflections": music for healing bereavements, remedying mental disorders brought to light, enacting occupational therapy, and cherishing the good memories that can sometimes be hard to reach.

Any feedback much appreciated. Smile

Good thoughts
listening now- this is really interesting, thanks!

(sorry about forgetting to throw in the script text in, i completely blanked out on doing that for you, but it looks fine the way it is)
cordani Wrote:listening now- this is really interesting, thanks!

Nice one Smile

It's more mellow than the first. Should be good for chilling with a pint or two. Wink

cordani Wrote:(sorry about forgetting to throw in the script text in, i completely blanked out on doing that for you, but it looks fine the way it is)

No worries Kisskiss

I have Low Light to thank for stepping in. Contacting you re: a fresh set v. soon.
Email sent Xyxthumbs

Btw, are you the Dan following me on SubVersion? Wave
email received!

nope not me, just another fan by the name of dan Twothumbs
cordani Wrote:email received!


cordani Wrote:nope not me, just another fan by the name of dan Twothumbs

Ok so Cool
The photo is from my parents' visit to Cornwalll in 2008. I idealised accentuating the theme of reflections on the water in line with penetrative soul-searching.
I'll begin a relay of track showcases soon.
imaginative bump crew


For more information on the tracks and artists in "Reflections", see my relay of posts below:

Brian Mcbride - When The Detail Lost Its Freedom

[Image: 333.jpg]

boomkat Wrote:As half of the incredible Stars of the Lid, Brian McBride has been responsible for some of the most gorgeously textured drift music ever committed to record. Emerging blinking from an aural cloud, 'When The Detail Lost Its Freedom' is McBride's astonishing solo diktat, wherein he is joined by a veritable army of musicians to realise the very essence of human emotion. Opening with the awe-inspiring 'Overture (for Other Half's)', McBride drafts in The Inland Empire Symphony Quartet to drape wave after wave of delectable strings atop an almost Eno-flecked drone backing.

Etched with a swelling pathos, McBride manages to be both hopelessly grand, yet perfectly human - bringing the two ends of the spectrum together in a union of utter aural bliss. Seemingly unable to do any wrong, the likes of 'I Will', 'For Those Who Hesitate' and 'The Guilt of Uncomplicated Thoughts' glisten with analogue washes, treated strings and untethered vocals - hazily drifitng towards a shrouded conclusion that is never made explicit, despite the revealing song titles. The very essence of wraithlike compositions, 'When The Detail Lost Its Freedom' is one of Kranky's most amblicated emissions in recent times - an honour which isn't bestowed lightly.

Purchase: Mp3 release

Brian Mcbride: MySpace

Kranky: wesbsite
I know that one should not compare different entities but if one were to do so, one might say this is one of the best mixes youve done. Lovesmilie
Thanks Annastay, and cheers to all who downloaded this in the last ten years.

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