Best tune you've heard all day.

5623 Replies, 2413085 Views

Sorry if there's already a thread like this.
Skitty tune at 1:10 into the last Jungletrain Rupture show (6th Dec) grab it here

So so sick.

Update your first post after listening Wave :P

For me -
Been rinsing it all week
that would be "This will destroy you" - "A Three legged workshorse"

Beautiful stuff!
dwarde Wrote:Update your first post after listening Wave :P

For me :

SpeaK - Mirror Spirit,

Badness. This guy has done some great stuff.
Flo Crew (For Lovers Only) - And Our Love

Dj Mjava - Morlboro
[Image: n525370594_264175_8629.jpg]
The Supplicants

going to listen to the new ambient release off zymogen later today, so that might be up there too:
Bob Holroyd - The Sheer Weight Of Memory
Pauoa Liko Ka Lehua - The Hoʻopiʻi Brothers
Lets cut through some... Grin


THE best tune you hear in any day is the latest one you yourself wrote Wink

But once we've all calmed down from that plateau of egocentric awesomeness we might conceed that somehow there's something elsewhere in the sphere of creative greatness that makes you go "Oooh".

So for me... rough rough rough thing I've started to put together that made Noz do his usual "Arrrgh you and your synth melodies you know what I'm gonna say", it was also hearing Iggy Pop's The Passenger for the first time in a seriously long time but in the end it was Outsiders 3.

Pick one? No. Can't. Shan't. All reflect different states at different times in my long day.

NB. I think I've got a mission. I'm gonna get Noz to write a happy tune. It will be good for his karma. My name is not Earl.

* I may have had one or two light refreshments.
Rockwell - Underpass
Xe-NONE - Angels
Either this >

Or this, from the fracture mix, Lovesmilie >
Johnny Cash - A Boy Named Sue
Marty Robbins- Mr Shorty

I couldn't choose between the two
3re edit of Martsmann mashed up with Major Lazer
Tim Reaper Wrote:

Indeed a tune, that EP is sick Lovesmilie

Jonny L on top form
dwarde Wrote:Either this >

Or this, from the fracture mix, Lovesmilie >

Roflblobbycore? that's AMAZING! OH YES! Yes
well yesterday it was, vince watson - renaissance

and today the only thing i've listened to so far is my own tune,
so its that

Hi Tim Wave

Welcome aboard!! Xyxthumbs
antidote uk Wrote:Hi Tim Wave

Welcome aboard!! Xyxthumbs
Drumfunk FTW
This too. :P

heard it at Benji B show.. cant stop listening now..

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