Children's TV Programmes Appreciation Thread

31 Replies, 47525 Views

Hello everybodeeeeee!

well I think thish forum ish in need of shome clashic old childrensh teevee talk and I think the besht programme ever on teevee waszh Rainbow.

[Image: rainbow.jpg]

Whatsh your favurit program from when you were shmall? and why?
Hooray, at last a decent thraad

my personal favorite Zippy was a haunting little programme called Chocky about a little boy who was visited by an alien, who taught him astrophysics and helped him to draw alien landscapes and pyramids. My favorite quote from Chocky was when the boy "matthew" had to go see a shrink. The intrigued shrink asked him "Matthew, where does Chocky live?" Matthew replies "I asked her this but she said - how can i tell you where I live when you dont know where you do" - Deeep!!!

Very kool kids program - and "Battle of the Planets was proppa fookin sick too!!

Hit me up Zippy its been too long, do you still out with that lowlife Shaun Rider?? oh and Janes preggers AGAIN with Derrick Griffis, George still lives in Brighton, I havent seen Bungle since the Innersense and Life Utopia days, im sure it was that rascal who stole my Enforcers 2 picture disk = (
itsh not Derriksh baby. he onlee thinksh that it izsh and jane is afraid to tell him hoosh it izsh. Me and shawn shplit up after you took up the minicab job in Bradford becozsh he waszh only with me to get to you. Oh and je je je je jeffree, do you still play with bungles twanger?
Zippy Wrote:itsh not Derriksh baby. he onlee thinksh that it izsh and jane is afraid to tell him hoosh it izsh. Me and shawn shplit up after you took up the minicab job in Bradford becozsh he waszh only with me to get to you. Oh and je je je je jeffree, do you still play with bungles twanger?

as i say i havent seen Bungle for years, you know full well we had "beef" with each other after my "ex" found his fluff in my Magic Roundabout underpants, as normal youre stirring again you little puppet spunktrumpet!!

Im doing panto at Thetford Derngate next week with Bobby Davro and Gary Willmot, you should pop down for a few jars and catch up
Zippy Wrote:i hope your declaring your taxshes jeffreee you remember what happened before don't you?

Yes you grassed me up to Tower Hamlets benefits office and made me look like a right dipstick and while i was in HMP you and George got hammered on my Wray & Nephew and threw my goldfish out the window and they got run over by a Commer van, that was very clever wasnt it, just bloody leave me alone, and leave this forum, its not like you were into Drum and Bass anyway, go back to whining with "gal" and drinking Baileys at Stush you rugbyballed headed crackfiend!!
geoffrainbow Wrote:Yes you grassed me up to Tower Hamlets benefits office and made me look like a right dipstick and while i was in HMP you and George got hammered on my Wray & Nephew and threw my goldfish out the window and they got run over by a Commer van, that was very clever wasnt it, just bloody leave me alone, and leave this forum, its not like you were into Drum and Bass anyway, go back to whining with "gal" and drinking Baileys at Stush you rugbyballed headed crackfiend!!

that washnt very nice jeffreee. i only grassed you up for your own good because of the amount of poppas that you and george were doing every night was having a detrimental effect on georges career as a ladyboy and you know he had no other prospectsh going for him after the show. besides, your goldfish desherved what they got, its not like you ever cleaned their water or fed them properly. you were too mashed up on that wray and nephew to care about the little things in life. talking of little things, bungle told me you only had a circumsishon done because you hadnt washed your parts since the last rainbow went on air so that crahp you told your ex about with you being jewiszh was all a load of rubbish anyway as everything is coming out of the closet now i may as well tell you that she left you because i told her about that.

oh-oh-oh j-j-j-jeffreeee is it true what i heard about you only working part time as a minicab driver these dayzsh because you drink more petrol than you put in your car? and aszh for me not being into drum and bass well you know thats a lie and dont think i dont know about you going into garage music because you thought drum and bass was crahp and had no fewcha. i think its disgraceful that you insult me like you do and if george was here he would give you a great big seeing to.
Zippy Wrote:that washnt very nice jeffreee. i only grassed you up for your own good because of the amount of poppas that you and george were doing every night was having a detrimental effect on georges career as a ladyboy

Listen "mate"! It was my career, not bloody George's that suffered, I runned tingz on Rainbow, I wrote the scripts, it was me who got you the gig in the first place, youre so bloody ungrateful. I even persuaded the producers to keep you on after you called George a "mincer" I was even stupid enought to back you up after you slapped Jane's arse at that outside broadcast nightmare.

Zippy Wrote:besides, your goldfish desherved what they got, its not like you ever cleaned their water or fed them properly. you were too mashed up on that wray and nephew to care about the little things in life.

pouring domestos and milk into a fishtank does not clean the water, and anyway you broke into my flat while i was doing bird, I gave the keys to Andy Crane so im sure it wasnt him that kicked my front door in. Oh and it was bloody hilarious to put chicken chow mien in my Betamax player

Zippy Wrote:and aszh for me not being into drum and bass well you know thats a lie and dont think i dont know about you going into garage music because you thought drum and bass was crahp and had no fewcha. i think its disgraceful that you insult me like you do and if george was here he would give you a great big seeing to.

Whatever Zippy, I said to you that I was going off the music when I heard Pulp Fiction and Grooverider's - Mysteries of Funk Album, I didnt "get into Garage" I was just fed up with you playing "Jump around if yu av thi staminaaaa" and all those other pisspoor "Ganjaman and dope dragon tunes you kept playing on your beltdrive Soundlabs and that uselsss plastic Phonic mixer you bought from Tottenham Court Road using Gaz Top's credit card you stole when when we went to watch BMX Beat.

Yeah so what that I liked a few of Grant Nelson's early nice n ripe tunes, would rather listen to them at a club full of fanny rather than "brocking out" at "The End" with a bunch of hooded McDonalds employees talking about side chain compression and how they were mates with Fresh & Vegas. I bet you still listen to Fabio and Grooverider, think "Total Science are big in the game"

Seriously Zippy I only come on this forum to PM some people as I couldnt get my head round chopping beats in Recycle and get tips on how to make tea properly - please just leave me alone
well jeffreeee before you shtart on about how your life ended up in ruins i should tell you now that poor george is in a right state because of you. he had prospects of taking over eamon holmes slot on GMTV and they turned him down.. why? well because when you had that fraccus with him in the presence of john leslie you tore off his right ear and didnt even have the decency to sew it back on for him. so much for the pact we all made back on rainbow about 'sticking together as friends til the end'. the poor bashtard george, how the hell could he sew it back on he had no fingers you bleeding low lihfe. you ruined him you did. itsh ok for you, you drive a mini cab for a living. what has george got? nuffing! he fell apart after what you did. living in brighton? you chat so much waffle sometimesh jeffreee. the poor sod iszh banged up in a mental institushun with lizzy webb and that guy who played roland browning in grange hill for company for the resht of his life.

as for your betamax player. that wasnt me. andy crane lent your keys out to that mr motivator guy from GMTV and what he got up to with richard and judy is not my affair. blame him!

ok ok yes it was me who used the domestosh and milk in your fishbowl but no one told me it would make your goldfish change colour. anyway i was doing them a favour throwing them out the window, your flat was a properh pigsty and the poor things had nothing to look at apart from your burt reynolds posters and your rotting puke that covered the floor. oh and why did you leave your all your dirty underpants in the freezer? was that so it would be easier to scrape them clean because that washer/dryer you bought off dodgey mick kept braking down and leaking water all over your kitchen floor?

to think i once considered bringing you in on that kish fm appeerance jeffreee i did to spit bars with me! I am so glad i never did now.

i also think you should write to george and apologize for what you have done to him thatsh the least you can do and if i ever see you driving your cab down my street i swear i will do to you what that vinny jones guy did to that guys head in lock stock and 2 smoking barrols.

oh and chopping beats in recycle. dont bullshyte me jeffreee you only use amen loops out of those cheap wanky internet sample packs and anyway you couldnt chop melting butter with a sharpened samurai sword and for your information, yes, total science are big in the game so bollocksh you old dried up fart. you make clive dunn look like arnold swartzneggar.

in case you all think jeffreeee is a nice guy everybodeeee.. this is how he used to look at us when cursing us for no reason on the set when we werent filming and he was drunk from his binging sessions with rod hull...

[Image: hayesg.jpg]
geoffrainbow Wrote:you little puppet spunktrumpet!!

Euphony Wrote:
geoffrainbow Wrote:you little puppet spunktrumpet!!


you might think thatsh funny euphony but unlike jeffreeee here i wasnt turned down on a date with janes younger sister because my manhood only projected out as far as my tongue did. isnt it troo jefffeeee?

[Image: a_zippy_465x370.jpg]
Zippy Wrote:Hello everybodeeeeee!

Statto Wrote:
Zippy Wrote:Hello everybodeeeeee!


helloooo statto

[Image: 265514.jpeg]
Zippy Wrote:
Euphony Wrote:
geoffrainbow Wrote:you little puppet spunktrumpet!!


you might think thatsh funny euphony but unlike jeffreeee here i wasnt turned down on a date with janes younger sister because my manhood only projected out as far as my tongue did. isnt it troo jefffeeee?

[Image: a_zippy_465x370.jpg]

You havent even got a tounge you e.t. reject - chilpolatta sausage fingered turdburglar! and your zipmouth doesnt fair well with muffdiving - haha, i rememeber when you brought Floella Benjamin home after Jungle Fever and tried to impress her with your stuttering darlek accented patois, doing the running man dance in your gypo british knights to Original Nutta/Helicopter Tune DJ Hype mashup, then u took her in your room for some a-a-action, your head was stuck to her thighs like velcro for two days until Rod and freddy wheelbarrowed you to Edgware A&E. Seriously tho, stop acting like a tool and at least continue this via pm, regards!
it waszh you that started this jeffreeee. you know i only ever acted in your best interests. i even lent you my barry manilow lp when you wanted to try and pull fatima whitbread after meeting her at the ITV selebritee charity dinner.
i tryed my hardest to help you after you spent all your money on turps and old holborn and yet still you never thanked me. i'm not afraid of washing my dirty washhing in public jeffreeee unlike you but then you always did have smaller ball bagsh than george. i suggest you go back to your garage crap and leave drum and bass alone as with the fisting you asked timmy to give you with his mallet, the one that left you all baggy, you are bound to fall out of yourself soon nodding to anything over 160bpm.
Zippy Wrote:i even lent you my barry manilow lp
That says it all my camp puppet friend

Zippy Wrote:when you wanted to try and pull fatima whitbread after meeting her at the ITV selebritee charity dinner. .

Yeah well err... she was with Daley Thompson and he was "big in the game" back then. anyway you know i like them "strapping" & "hirstute" she was giving me the "eye", dunno how you noticed that, you were to busy spoofing on Michaela Strachans shoes the whole night and throwing sausage rolls at Bruno Brookes
yea well jeffreeee you are the sad bashstard who owns every release from des oconner. as for camp. i know the real reason why julian clary isnt on tv anymore and if you really want to push the boat out to sea then i will share that story with everybodeeee.

and whats wrong with michaela shtrakken? she went out with me becoz the best you could offer her was a dinner at sid's cafe and a night out at the pictures actually meant standing in front of the window of currys in the pishing rain for 2 hours.

get yourself fixed you shpoon. you should really really lay off the turps its doing you no good. and dont try to tell me you are not drinking it any more as your jeans have faded around your crotch area from where you cannot control your pissing anymore.
Zippy Wrote:i even lent you my barry manilow lp

your posting in the wrong thread sonnyjim!!
Zippy Wrote:and whats wrong with michaela shtrakken? she went out with me becoz the best you could offer her was a dinner at sid's cafe and a night out at the pictures

yes ok Zippy, you are really getting on my wick now mateyboy,

you never went out with Michaela Strachan!!, you always drop this one, she said you "looked like a hesian ballbag that stunk like Nora Battie's undercrackers"

Zippy Wrote:your jeans have faded around your crotch area from where you cannot control your pissing anymore.

geoffrainbow Wrote:I runned tingz on Rainbow

[Image: protabl3.gif]
Don Cherry Wrote:Every human is blessed in her or his life with one love (passion), no matter how long it may last. This Absolute love will last in one's heart and soul forever.
Macc Wrote:
geoffrainbow Wrote:I runned tingz on Rainbow


thatsh a liiiieeeee!!!!! don't believe that washed out excuse for a malodor Macc he is telling all liiiess!
Zippy Wrote:
Macc Wrote:
geoffrainbow Wrote:I runned tingz on Rainbow


thatsh a liiiieeeee!!!!! don't believe that washed out excuse for a malodor Macc he is telling all liiiess!

Hey dont call me a "Malador" and dont bring Macc into this!! go "Spit your bars" on dogs on acid. I start my shift in half hour and i still got to buff up the sierra and buy a new magic tree as some trollop yacked on the back seat last night. Last thing i need is grief off some cracked out puppet before a 14 hour shift.

oh by the way zippy, ill add you up on facebook

geoffrainbow Wrote:I ruined tingz on Rainbow

[Image: 0.jpg]
Sorry to get back on topic ( Icon_razz ), Chocky used to freak me out a bit, was great though!
Here are a few I used to enjoy when I was growing up Oops

Mr Benn
Mr Men
Jamie and his magic torch
Cockleshell bay
Count Duckula


Chin I'm sure there are many many more I watched.

There were the odd ones too like Wurzel Gummidge, Stig of the dump and Emu's All Live Pink Windmill Show

I've now got all my work colleagues joining in Hahaha
Euphony Wrote:Here are a few I used to enjoy when I was growing up Oops
Mr Ben
Emu's All Live Pink Windmill Show

George!!! is that you??

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