old skool for da raverz....

447 Replies, 314424 Views

A quick 3...

The Assailant-I'll Give You Something To Scream About

Harmony and Xtreme-Music

Connection EP-Different Story
@ Thumbzo: I'd already posted 'A different Story' Icon_razz Lol

I Lovesmilie that Harmony and xtreme release Smile
Euphony Wrote:@ Thumbzo: I'd already posted 'A different Story' Icon_razz Lol

I Lovesmilie that Harmony and xtreme release Smile

I just saw the first page with all the usual suspects in and pretty much skipped the rest of the thread Wink
I understand Wink

I posted some not quite so obvious blinders (some still piano ones), so check page 2 onwards Grin
But you've probably got them already anyway on vinyl Wink
one of the finest tunes from Criminal Minds imo.
2 Kilos-Mohameds Mind
Have another one
I really like that EP, it was another one of my £1 bargains back in the day from the selectadisc bargain bin Lol
I'm on a bit of a belgian tip at the mo Grin
