that reminds me.. doing radio shows back in the day, still recording the mixes in the studio on tape decks. NOT REALIZING.. if your needles & cartridges aren't set up on the turntables all nice & snug, your sets will record in MONO!!! lol. Literallly recording all the sound in one channel.
WHICH MEANS.. your live broadcast was heard on public airwaves in one channel too!!!! shiiiiiit. or even if your mixer rca's aren't snug as well right. ha.
listening back to a couple of radio sets recorded on cassettes, with one channel recorded.. its harsh. ha. learning curves for sure. doh!

** we should start a thread on what your first dj set up was.. no matter how ratchet, or ghetto it was. lol. I have stories... stories. heh.
WHICH MEANS.. your live broadcast was heard on public airwaves in one channel too!!!! shiiiiiit. or even if your mixer rca's aren't snug as well right. ha.
listening back to a couple of radio sets recorded on cassettes, with one channel recorded.. its harsh. ha. learning curves for sure. doh!

** we should start a thread on what your first dj set up was.. no matter how ratchet, or ghetto it was. lol. I have stories... stories. heh.