Seeing as I do not want to make a fuss of my own work, here I have transformed this cache into a 1/1/1/1/1/1 type thing for each producer subset by me. this means that I do not wish to make multiple attention seeking threads for the same producer

even if the forum is basically a split website anyways - from, say, an active forum for other projects.
"Lost In The Chaos" is the track I'm most looking for feedback on, a sort of period soundtrack-y piece of the Delia Derbyshire and Philip Glass style. My muscles on the keyboard, despite stretching are wearing out this morning - need more medicine, but painkillers only ease pain.
"You Beauty" is the title of the EP -
3 tracks there for your listening.
Do you wanna know why, really, I still make this stuff? Without me being pseud confronting? It's simply because I love it. It's only because I love what I make that I've been able to do this.
Music by Annastay, Bat For Lashes, Lana Del Rey, Bjork, Stevie Nicks et al will always be my "go-to" in times of spiritual need, and there's lots of newer projects on top of that which are good, such as Florence And The Robots (Machine), St. Vincent, Sia, Sigrid, Billie Eilish and Warpaint. I love strong female artists.